In your old rooms, fixing your water [ota]

Jan 28, 2011 16:08

With the walls completely constructed, the dry wall up and the floors down, the second building was just about finished as far as repairs were going. Mac had been called in to set up the second floor plumbing and rewire the electrics. Not that it was overly hard; everything was already fitted, the wiring was simple connect the ends and the plumbing ( Read more... )

wade wilson, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, spc jesse dylan, sgt mackenzie richards

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makesppldead January 30 2011, 03:16:05 UTC
The fight with Rictor left Wade in a poor mood. He really shouldn't even had bothered at all--but he'd been dying for a fight, and he really wanted to shut up that stupid Mexican. It only left him unsatisfied, scratched, and with a migraine.

Fully intending on going back to he and Pyro's room to shower and then sleep until whenever the fuck he wanted. But of course St. John had the same idea and the shower was occupied. Not wanting to bother asking to use anyone elses (or really wanting to use anyone elses), the battered Merc left his swords to the room, took a towel, and set to go use the old showers. A shower was a shower, right?

Apparently not. Wade almost sunk down to the floor when he saw Mac obviously working on the piping. Heaving a sigh, he ran a hand over his dirty, sweaty face. "Fuck a repairs company. Let's just kick out the overpopulation."


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 08:25:39 UTC
Tilting her head to get a look at Wade, Mac chuckled slightly. "Oh God, I know. That's mostly why I'm wanting this place done soon." Mac didn't so much mind having a roommate at all, and the kid she was paired with wasn't too much of a bother anyway. But at certain times people just needed to chill.

"You anger the General's cat or something?" It was pretty clear that Wade had been looking to shower, and with the people piled into the other building, and the number of them sharing a room already, it was understandable that he'd try to use the second building. It was just his bad luck that she hadn't yet turned the water back on permenantly.

"Seriously, that little bugger will fuck you good. You got away lucky." Mac wasn't really bothered too much with in house fighting -shit happened, people said things, fights started. From the looks of it, if she was worried about anyone, it should be the scratcher, since Wade didn't really look too bad off. But Mac wasn't about to push anyway.


makesppldead January 30 2011, 09:01:12 UTC
His brow arched at her inquiry about the cat. Glancing down at himself, Wade observed his appearance and regarded that he perhaps did look like he may have run into a cat. Rictor was very similar. Such a pussy.

"Not so much anger as silence, for now. And it wasn't the general's cat." He lifted his arm to pick at what looked like a new cut. He only had a couple and they weren't that bothersome. If anything, they had come from the ground itself and not his attacker. "Ric and I had a nice little one on one. Only it wasn't so much nice as it was shitty." And disappointing.


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 09:08:06 UTC
"Wow, that Mexican gets around." Mac hadn't really met the Mexican much; read his file, sorted part of the shooting incident, read up on the Japan incident, and now getting in fights with trained mercenaries. Oh, Mac was going to bring up getting the boy a CT scan, just in case.

"So long as you haven't destroyed yet more buildings or the greenery again, I don't give a shit," which personally she didn't, professionally, she was supposed to, "but honest to God, you mess up a building, I will put one of your swords, somewhere you don't want it." She was done with repairs so very, very done with repairs.

"How shitty is shitty, and why was it shitty?" She felt like she was ready to break into song.


makesppldead January 30 2011, 09:15:12 UTC
The threat perked his interest, even tugged his smirk out of the dirt on his face. She was in no way threatening but it was amusing all the same. "I'll try to do my best. Can't make any promises." He could. But they would just be too obvious of lies.

"Shitty as in--" Wade's eyes widen as he takes a breath here, it's going to be a list, "The stupid fucker fights in a street style that would be considered intermediate at best on a local bar level. He didn't even try and do things fancy with his ability, even though we actually had rules to not use anything that we didn't have naturally, so I was without my swords and any other weapons. He just...the stupidity goes on forever."

Normally the mercenary wouldn't drabble in angry tangents, though he did tangent frequently, but he was disappointed. And she did ask after all. "Just a big fat waste of my life. And that's saying something, considering there isn't but jack and shit to do here."


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 09:24:04 UTC
Mac had read Wade's file too. And frankly she was surprised he hadn't gone completely batshit with boredom and killed most of the team already. There were times when you had to know when to use someone and when to let them chill, and the higher ups had been letting Wade chill probably far too long now.

"Getting a little that cabin fever?" Mac could understand. She got leave ever five months just so that she didn't build a giant robot out of a car trying to make her own Megatron. She was pretty sure she could do it as well, probably why they made a point on getting her out of her garage as often as possible.

"I can't really think of anyone on your level to pick a fight with, I'll be honest here." Because really, she couldn't, not with the styles she'd read about and his rather extensive merc history. "Oh, take up hits for hire. Except, you can't because that's illegal, and I don't know anything about it."


makesppldead January 30 2011, 20:15:02 UTC
"I wouldn't call it cabin fever so much as boredom and crowded." Emma had done good to assign and let him go on a fair amount of missions since she'd taken over things, and he was happy for it. But it was the people that he ended up having to go along on the missions with that didn't sit with him well. People like Angel, who he somehow ended up partnered with, but she didn't want to hurt anyone. Or Jack who was killing his own team members. The retardedness just wouldn't stop and got on his nerves.

Wade leaned back against one of the walls as she spoke, tossing the towel to his side now that it was obvious he just wasn't going to get a shower today, and listened. "If I wanted to do hits for hire I may as well not be here." Snorting, he shook his head with a smirk. "Of course it's illegal--but it can be done, it's just harder to stay under the radar. Here I can do whatever I want 'legally'."


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 22:56:37 UTC
Mac just laughed, and laughed hard. "I'll give you a list of all the people that pissed me off in school. I went to about five schools, it should keep you busy." She'd been a little serious about hits of hire, but she was mostly joking about the list of people from her schools.

"Oh, you know that there's a town about thirty minutes outside of here, right? And that Spokane is like another hour after that? It's totally easy get out of here when you know where you're headed. I offer road trip plus day out as fun?" Truthfully, she could fully understand where his frustration was coming from. Wade Wilson should be part of the covert combat unit; the ones that took out God-damn armies in their spare time without breaking a sweat.

If she were in his position, she'd have lost it.


makesppldead January 30 2011, 23:04:58 UTC
Lucky for Wade--and everyone else around him, he'd lost it a long time ago. Now it was all a matter of shifting moods and having a crazy complex.

"No actually, I didn't." He didn't really did research. Ever. Not even when they went out on missions. It would probably be a good idea for him to start, but that'd never happen. Blinking, Wade visibly cheered a little at her offer. "Yeah? Sounds good to me."

Granted, it wasn't an offer to go chop heads, but anything just to do something. Of course he'd take it. "I hope you know your way around. I'm pretty good at getting lost."


mechanic_mac January 31 2011, 11:56:11 UTC
Most of the team weren't aware of it, and Mac was feeling generous. "Yeah, I mean the little town is like this shitty like stock up place. Got the basics. But Spokane, if ya can get away long enough? Oh, some bits are like heaven."

Mostly, Mac stopped in Midway for the usual stuff -gas, food and the post office. Spokane was where you went to let loose and have a blast. "Well, I've been on this base for about two years now, I'm pretty good at finding my way. For when I'm not, GPS. It's a wonderful thing."

Especially when you had a hard wire that went straight to your brain. Sometimes, being technopathic was pretty useful.


makesppldead January 31 2011, 23:45:06 UTC
"Whatever. It's not here, and it's not full of stupid." He considered that for just a second longer. "It might be, but not as much in abundance."

It seemed like a fairly good deal and the mercenary would be ridiculous to turn it down. Not that he wanted to. Folding his arms, he gave her direct nod. "When did you want to go?"

His schedule was pretty much free like, always. There would be no discrepancy. And Wade would have to find a way to pay her back. sure, she was just being nice but even the merc liked to give credit where it was due. He'd figure it out later.


mechanic_mac January 31 2011, 23:55:31 UTC
Well, it was Washington, and mostly, people were just stupid in general, so she couldn't really argue with that. Either way, Mac felt that sometimes people just needed a break, and since Wade was there, needing a break, sure, she'd be nice and that was that.

"I get off at nine. In the a.m. And it's not in the fun way." They sure did like to work her to the bone -although she usually did work so much better when it was through the night, so really she understood that. "I plan on catching a few z's around about midnight, because I cannot do plumbing for seven and half hours straight without catching pneumonia, so if you wanna bail outta this place tomorrow morning, I'm down with that."

Considering the state of affairs in camp, no one would notice her sneaking out a mercenary, and if someone did she could just sic the merc on them. Really it was a good idea. Who the hell wanted a merc that was getting itchy trigger fingers and testy with blades in a confined area? This was her public service!


makesppldead February 9 2011, 05:04:57 UTC
"Crack whore hours, huh?" Though he really had no room to speak. Wade wasn't much for the regular sleeping hours anyways. He could sleep when he was dead.

God did it ever sound good to 'bail'. "Oh I'll be ready, come rain or shine, sans clothes, whatever." The merc would be more than happy to assist Mac with any problems she had. Especially if it meant getting other people out of the way. AND getting in the way of their fun time.


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