[Arrival] Someone call the gay guys from Makeover, stat

Jan 13, 2011 13:36

"Dude, are these cuffs really necessary?" Jubilee whined for the fifth time in what she could only judge as having been an hour, shifting in her seat uncomfortably and looking from soldier to soldier. Yet again, her question had gone unanswered and she was really getting tired of the silent treatment ( Read more... )

[content] arrival, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, chris 'bolt' bradley, marie 'rogue' darkholme, ✝ lt jennifer barq, wade wilson, jubilation 'jubilee' lee

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Comments 44

marauding_miss January 13 2011, 21:19:32 UTC
As with any thing, or any place, the arrival of something new was an interesting spark. Around here, it was the arrival of a new person that usually got the interest going. Rogue rarely let herself get drawn in with all the new faces, some of them didn't last and usually, Rogue tried to avoid getting too close to people in general.

But things were painfully slow and there was only so much you could do before you really just needed to take a break. Glancing at the cars that pulled up, and then the female that was left in the wake of the soldiers, Rogue automatically runs through possibilities. Volunteer or persuaded. More often than not, they seem to be folks that have been signed up under questionable persuasive methods.

In answer to the voiced comment, Rogue just turns and faces her, "Y' should'a seen it last week. We'd'a given them folks on demolition derby a run f'r their money."


saywhatiplease January 14 2011, 04:13:41 UTC
Jumping slightly in surprise at the voice addressing her, she clutched her bag and spun swiftly on her heel to face the Southern woman with the interesting hair.

"Looks like they hired the Hulk to redecorate the place. Or someone just decided that bullet holes an' mortar were totally military-chic this year."

A pause.

"Cool hair."


marauding_miss January 14 2011, 10:14:04 UTC
Rogue's hand went straight to her hair, skimming through it, just a little stunned. "Um, thanks." When you had the likes of Betsy, Lorna and Ophelia around, Rogue's hair really was nothing in comparison.

"Y' ain't too far off, sugah. Couple o' folks blazed through, reckoned we could do with a little grunge thrown in." Looking around, Rogue shrugged again, "This really is it lookin' better."

At the start, everything actually looked great -it was a newly constructed base, just for them. Now it was a bit of a wreck. "Ah'm Rogue. Too bad y' had t' fall into this place jus' now though."


saywhatiplease January 17 2011, 04:50:42 UTC
Jubilee was never impressed with Betsy's hair, or Betsy in general. She was a haughty little bitch who needed to put some clothes on -- but she tolerated the woman for Wolverine's sake while they were in Madripoor and Genosha. And she would probably be impressed with Lorna and Ophelia's hair, but something about Rogue's was way cool.

"I think the place needs some color or somethin'. Or like, a mall."

Oh, God, what she wouldn't give for a mall right about now. Or her roller skates. Or both.

Jubilee tilted her head at Rogue's last comment, but shrugged it off and stuffed her hands in the pockets of her yellow trenchcoat. "I'm Jubilee. So, did I miss a freakin' party or what?"


tele_military January 14 2011, 00:48:21 UTC
"Jubilation Lee?" Since Ethan was laid up in the hospital, Jen took it upon herself to take over his duties even though he hadn't specifically asked her to do that. She thought greeting the new arrival would be a good start.

She dismissed the soldiers who had brought her with a nod and then held out a hand to the young girl.

"I'm Lt. Jennifer Barq, I'm here to help you get settled."


saywhatiplease January 14 2011, 04:16:49 UTC
As a further gesture of disdain toward the soldiers who brought her here in handcuffs, she gave them sarcastic left-handed salute behind Barq's back and shifted her weight to her right leg. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she glanced from the woman to her hand to her once more.

"Oh, great, another army drone here to whisk me away t'my dream home."

And there it was. Jubilee and her mouth were off to a good start.


tele_military January 14 2011, 04:20:07 UTC
Jen let the sarcasm roll off her like water off a duck's back. The whole team was like that. She was immune to it.

"We've got a room for you in the functioning dorm. For now we're a little low on space and you'll have a roommate. Follow me, please." She turned on her heel and started walking towards the dorm.

"Can I answer any questions you have?"


saywhatiplease January 14 2011, 04:30:13 UTC
Once Jen turned around, Jubilee started mocking her behind her back, making faces and dancing around on her feet as she followed, rolling her eyes as she went. This place was just looking worse and worse as she walked through the mess and what she wouldn't give for one of Gateway's portals to take her anywhere but here.

"Prob'ly not." She whined, finally just kicking at rocks that were in her way, yellow trenchcoat billowing out behind her as she moved. Then it dawned on her. "I'm lookin' for someone. Short guy, attitude problem, has adamantium claws? Hangs around with a purple-haired Asian chick whose ability seems t'be the power t'stick her chest out?"

This place might be somewhat tolerable if Wolverine was here.


double_dynamite January 14 2011, 02:22:37 UTC
When she heard a spot of sarcasm and dramatics, and saw Rogue and then the soldier chick walk away Tabitha's interest had been piqued.
Peeking around the corner her shoulders instantly fell and her head went towards the wall. "Oh goooooood no. Not you. I thought you were like away." She was so very overjoyed at seeing one Jubilation Lee she could barely stop herself from jumping in joy. Really. She wasn't feeling sarcastic at all.


I made this icon just for them~ saywhatiplease January 14 2011, 04:23:33 UTC
That voice.

It was such a distinctly annoying sound, and it'd been a good three years or so since she'd heard it last. She was seriously hoping that the boredom from her drive up from California had driven her insane.

Turning around to find the person in question, her eyes fell upon Tabitha and she groaned.

"Dude. What th'hell are you doin' here?"


muhahaha I love you. double_dynamite January 14 2011, 04:35:25 UTC
Tabitha while usually the friendliest person on the planet couldn't stand this girl. She was just...just so very,very annoying. Plus she had helped hold her practically hostage when she was with the New Mutants. Well, that's her side of the story anyway.

"I was here first! Why are you here? Can't you just go away? Like now? Poof! Begone!" She made a halfhearted shooing motion, ignoring the slight almost inaudible snicker from the soldiers next to Jubilee.


Threadjacking like a motherfucker proper_twinkie January 14 2011, 04:43:18 UTC
Betsy really wasn't feeling dread about the newest addition so much as amusement. A sensation that only grew upon seeing Boomer's reaction. In light of the recent attack, Betsy couldn't say things were dull but this would definitely liven things up.

"Don't you know, pet?" The Asian woman said to the blond. "If you don't spray yearly, pests are bound to return."


lightbulbtrix January 14 2011, 08:57:14 UTC
Bradley made a mental note to get John to pay up the bet he had made on how long it would be before the next arrival showed up. He'd been outside, trying to get some damn cell service when the Humvee pulled up and the very colorfully dressed mutant got out.

He chuckled at the mouthy Asian girl's last comment. The place really did look like a mess, especially with all the signs of recent battle still all over the place. "I'd watch that show."


saywhatiplease January 17 2011, 05:01:32 UTC
Dropping her bag at her feet, Jubilee folded her arms across her chest and took a moment to just pout. She clearly hadn't grown up in her three years away from Logan and Betsy and wasn't ashamed of it either.

Hearing Bradley's comment, she spun on her heel and grinned slightly. Finally, someone with a sense of humor. "Seriously, I think someone needs t'start a petition."


lightbulbtrix January 17 2011, 09:20:16 UTC
As always, Bolt was relieved to see a team member who didn't snarl and snap at every person who tried to be social. He gave the girl a friendly smile as he shut the cell phone and stuck it in the pocket of his sweatshirt. Today had been a cold one on the base.

"Doubt the commanders would approve of a camera crew." Bradley thought for a moment then added on. "Well, maybe not Emma. She's more than just a touch fashion conscious."


saywhatiplease January 20 2011, 03:57:43 UTC
"It might be what this place needs. Along with some uber-chic redecoratin'. And this Emma chick sounds like my friggin' hero."

Which probably wasn't the case at all, but she'd never met the White Queen, and even then she'd probably prefer her to Psylocke anyday.

"Y'got a name, cutie?"


makesppldead January 14 2011, 23:43:36 UTC
Coming from the training room and his daily routine, Wade was off to the mess hall to see if he could hussle up some grub. No, it wasn't scheduled time for food. But if anyone was going to tell him when he was going to eat, it would be his stomach.

Of course he couldn't help but notice the soldiers bring in yet another recruit. A sight that was making the mercenary come to believe this was becoming more of a concentration camp for mutants and less a 'team'. Either way, so long as he got to do what he wanted, he didn't care. Sort of.

Snorting at her comment once the troops left, Wade couldn't help but interject. As if he ever could help it. "They won't come because they know this place will eat them up and shit them out into fertilizer."


saywhatiplease January 17 2011, 05:03:44 UTC
Wade's comment was by far the most colorful thing she'd heard in a while and when she got a good look at the person it came from, she couldn't help but whistle approvingly.

What? She could look. And appreciate a hot guy when she saw one.

"Y'think if they did it, they'd shit out rainbows since they're gay an' all?"


makesppldead January 17 2011, 05:12:14 UTC
His brow quirked up at the whistle. Not that he'd never received one before, or that it didn't stroke his ego (what didn't, really?). But considering who it came from Wade couldn't help but be amused at the smallish mutant girl.

"Rainbows? Those are for pretty folk." He said with a roll of his eyes. "Those guys would be lucky if they could shit so much as a glitter."


saywhatiplease January 20 2011, 04:00:18 UTC
Hand coming to rest on her hip while the other slung her bag over her shoulder, the girl couldn't help but grin again at Wade.

"Dude, if this place is as boring as it looks? Totally might be worth giving it a shot."


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