[Arrival] Someone call the gay guys from Makeover, stat

Jan 13, 2011 13:36

"Dude, are these cuffs really necessary?" Jubilee whined for the fifth time in what she could only judge as having been an hour, shifting in her seat uncomfortably and looking from soldier to soldier. Yet again, her question had gone unanswered and she was really getting tired of the silent treatment ( Read more... )

[content] arrival, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, chris 'bolt' bradley, marie 'rogue' darkholme, ✝ lt jennifer barq, wade wilson, jubilation 'jubilee' lee

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makesppldead January 14 2011, 23:43:36 UTC
Coming from the training room and his daily routine, Wade was off to the mess hall to see if he could hussle up some grub. No, it wasn't scheduled time for food. But if anyone was going to tell him when he was going to eat, it would be his stomach.

Of course he couldn't help but notice the soldiers bring in yet another recruit. A sight that was making the mercenary come to believe this was becoming more of a concentration camp for mutants and less a 'team'. Either way, so long as he got to do what he wanted, he didn't care. Sort of.

Snorting at her comment once the troops left, Wade couldn't help but interject. As if he ever could help it. "They won't come because they know this place will eat them up and shit them out into fertilizer."


saywhatiplease January 17 2011, 05:03:44 UTC
Wade's comment was by far the most colorful thing she'd heard in a while and when she got a good look at the person it came from, she couldn't help but whistle approvingly.

What? She could look. And appreciate a hot guy when she saw one.

"Y'think if they did it, they'd shit out rainbows since they're gay an' all?"


makesppldead January 17 2011, 05:12:14 UTC
His brow quirked up at the whistle. Not that he'd never received one before, or that it didn't stroke his ego (what didn't, really?). But considering who it came from Wade couldn't help but be amused at the smallish mutant girl.

"Rainbows? Those are for pretty folk." He said with a roll of his eyes. "Those guys would be lucky if they could shit so much as a glitter."


saywhatiplease January 20 2011, 04:00:18 UTC
Hand coming to rest on her hip while the other slung her bag over her shoulder, the girl couldn't help but grin again at Wade.

"Dude, if this place is as boring as it looks? Totally might be worth giving it a shot."


makesppldead January 20 2011, 21:07:23 UTC
"They'd have to do a special. Military Mutants Makeover. But considering we did just get attacked, I don't think we're in anyone's favor." He could go on like this all day, really. "Or they love us so much they had to find a plausible excuse to fix the place up. So they hired fake assassins to steal Captain Cunt and fuck the place up."

No, he didn't really think any of that. But it was a nice thought. Sort of.


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