Tournament: Round One

Nov 08, 2009 11:49

It was Zero's job to clear out the weapons hanger for the tournament. While it seemed like the most improper place for such a thing, where they were, it actually was perfect. The building was larger than any room in the dormitories and it had the most wide open space. All that needed to be done was to move the shelves containing weapons on the ( Read more... )

✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ katherine 'fade' pryde, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, mark 'martini' martinez, ✝ asher banks, ✝ allison 'magma' crestmere, jack hendley, ✝ gloria 'risque' munoz, ✝ julian 'scion' keller, victor creed, ✝ neena 'domino' thurman, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ rahne 'wolfsbane' sinclair, ✝ james logan

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Comments 117

45825243_t78_a November 8 2009, 20:25:38 UTC
Logan took his shirt off, throwing it on the ground, and stepped into the ring, stretching his neck and shaking his arms loose a little. Not that he really needed to, but it helped him to get into a fighting frame of mind. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it right.

He had to admit, he liked that he was up against Zero. It was better than being up against someone he actually liked. Zero deserved everything he got, and, after everything Zero had done to Logan's family, it was only right that Logan would be the one giving it to him, humiliating him by beating him. Well, maybe Victor doing it would be even more fitting, but Logan didn't trust Victor to keep his nails in once Zero was down.



donthink_shoot November 8 2009, 20:35:11 UTC
Zero didn't remove any of his clothing, minus what had harnessed his guns. He didn't see the point in doing so. He'd waited for Logan calmly and spoke up when he asked him if he was ready. He smirked, raising a brow.

"Are you?"

When was he ever not.


45825243_t78_a November 8 2009, 20:41:49 UTC
He rolled his eyes. Zero was so full of himself - and for that alone, Logan would have disliked him. Logan raised his fists, but didn't move.

"Ladies first."


donthink_shoot November 8 2009, 20:48:40 UTC
Zero mimicked the eyeroll. Why would he expect anything more mature from Logan? He decided that it would be best to just start the damn thing, seeing how Logan had to get the last word in.

He flexed his fingers before pulling them into a fist and raising them to get into a fighting stance. The ring wasn't that big, and they weren't too far apart. But he approached him slowly at first before making the first move, a fake jab to the face and the a right hook punch to Logan's side.. He went fast, but not as fast as he could. He'd save his energy.


watch_the_nails November 9 2009, 18:28:44 UTC
Ever since it had been announced, Victor had been looking forward to the sparring contest. It sounded like a good chance to air some of his grievances in a legitimate environment, a way for him to beat the shit out of anyone he happened to be up against that he didn't like; it was supposed to be 'no powers', but how the hell was he meant to make his claws, fangs and regeneration disappear? Whoever he was up against was sure to be in for a world of hurt. He couldn't possibly lose.

And then, she'd turned up. Olivia, that power-sapping little bitch, the pathetic, mewling tramp who'd taken away his physical mutations with barely even a thought. He didn't have his nails, his sharp canines had retracted, and his regeneration had all but vanished, a fact that he'd discovered after an unfortunate slip with a knife in the canteen the previous day. For all intents and purposes, he was physically human. He'd never felt so defenceless in his life. And if that wasn't bad enough, he'd been matched up with a girl - a goddamn girl! Like she ( ... )


cover_your_ears November 9 2009, 18:57:18 UTC
Jessie was stretching when Victor came in. Damn he was big. Even without the teeth and claws he would be a formidable adversary. She had been looking forward to this.

She had watched him fight with his brother, Victor liked to drop low and lunge at his opponent. But he was also adaptable and smart with a lot of years of fighting experence. He would likely make assumptions about her though, that she would be a push over just because she was a woman. Jessie wasn't about to make it easy for him. She had wrapped her hands and feet to protect her webbing, and left off wearing shoes. She didn't want to seriously hurt him anyway.

Stepping into the ring, she answered his glower with a smile. "You ready to dance, big boy?"


watch_the_nails November 9 2009, 19:14:01 UTC
He recognised the girl as she stepped into the ring opposite him - he hadn't spoken to her much, but he recalled approaching her when she'd first arrived, and being able to intimidate her, even if it had only been by a small amount. He could work on that. He broke into a broad grin for effect, only realising at the last minute that he no longer had the fangs which made his smile seem so threatening; then, he frowned, still managing a growl from the depths of his throat as he sneered at her, still confident of his victory.

"Only if you're ready to lose, bitch. You sure you don't wanna just lie down on your back and get this over with right now?"


cover_your_ears November 9 2009, 19:48:58 UTC
Oh, he thought she was going to be easy? He hadn't intimidated her when she first arrived, so much as just startled her. And she wasn't afraid of him now.

Jessie laughed. "Now what makes you think I'm gonna lose, Victor? Or are you just afraid you'll break a finger nail?"


watch_the_nails November 9 2009, 21:31:32 UTC
That was a jibe too far for him, at least right now; it was immediately obvious that he lacked his usual claws, his disgustingly human nails - although caked with dirt - a far cry from what he was used to. If she'd been aiming for his weak spot, she'd certainly found it. He sneered at her as she mocked him, his body already adopting an offensive stance, muscles bunching and tensing as he faced off against her, his hackles rising.

"I'll break your goddamn neck!"

With a snarl, he launched himself towards her - as she'd expected, his move was a cat-like pounce aimed towards her lower body, his intention to unbalance and topple her so he could finish her off as she was grounded.


intangibleuse November 11 2009, 00:32:56 UTC
Kat cracked her neck and her knuckles as she stepped into the ring, dressed in her camos and a black tank. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun. There was no way she was going to give her opponent something else to grab a hold of. Cat-stretching, she glanced over her shoulder at her opponent and she grinned. Well well, if it wasn't one of the two lookers from the garage. Martini.

"Hey...don't I know you? Didn't spend the money all in one place, did you?" she asked, winking at him.


time_schizo November 11 2009, 00:45:10 UTC
Martini shrugged out of Ric's worn leather jacket, the one he wore everywhere, and tossed it to the side of the ring. He also removed several of his more fragile watches, setting them down with great care. He didn't want them getting broken.

He smirked at Kat. Now that whole garage debacle over over, it seemed rather amusing. "Yeah, amazing how different a person looks with all their clothes on." He was glad he was sparring with someone who wasn't taking this too seriously. After all, it was supposed to be a fun boredom buster, not a scene out of Gladiator.


intangibleuse November 11 2009, 00:54:03 UTC
Kat watched him get ready, her eyes moving over him with approval as he stripped out of the coat and then peeled off the watches. He really was too pretty.

Grinning, she nodded. "I think I prefer you in your boxers." she laughed, wrapping tape over her knuckles. "But then, we can't always get what we want." She finished with the tape and tossed it to the side before she stepped into the ring.


time_schizo November 11 2009, 01:07:00 UTC
Martini smirked, giving her a wink. "Well, that can be arranged later, if you'd like." Ric would have smacked him over the back of the head for that one, but he was about to get up close and physical with a pretty brunette

He stepped into the ring and cracked his neck from side to side, bouncing lightly back and forth on the balls on his feet. He gave a mock bow and gestured towards Kat. "Ladies first." He may have been a bit crazy at time, but he wasn't stupid. He wanted to see her fighting technique, get a grasp of what he was going up against.


wolfsbane_rahne November 14 2009, 06:02:35 UTC
Rahne stepped into the ring as her fight with someone named Asher Banks was announced. She hadn't met him and had no idea what his powers were but since this was a 'no powers' type of fight it didn't matter as much as it normally would. Either way she would not underestimate her opponent. Her senses were keen as she couldn't turn them down, much less off. Her claws and fangs were there of course as well but she would have to just be very careful of them and use other methods. As for her strength and animal-like agility, she couldn't turn that off either.

She hadn't bothered wrapping her hands or ankles or taking any special preparations like that other than stretching. She stood there and cracked her neck from one side to the other with two loud popping noises before she put her hair back into a loose ponytail, awaiting her opponent, eager to size him up as the wolf was poised and alert.


accretion_disk November 15 2009, 03:59:37 UTC
Asher had been preparing himself for his fight since he signed up. To him this fight didn't really matter it was something he could do something active and aggressive. He'd wrapped his hands slowly taking care to do a thorough job of it he knew he could heal any damage immediately if he wanted but he still liked to take precautions.


wolfsbane_rahne November 16 2009, 05:44:43 UTC
Rahne shifted her shoulders as she sized up her opponent. He wasn't too shabby looking either. She grinned and took a ready stance about, her feet almost a shoulder-width apart, waiting to let him come to her first and see what he could do. It was important to test an opponents abilities and strengths and single out their weaknesses. She waited, never taking her eyes from his.


accretion_disk November 16 2009, 06:25:41 UTC
Asher moved in slowly taking his time to test and see how ready she was for him. There was no way he was going to rush this woman right away it would just end up in too short a fight to count for anything. Asher brought his arms up into position to block any blows that she might throw.


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