philosophy of teaching, post secondary, social studies, grading, math, science, unions

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  • Math Tutoring Tips

    chibirachy wrote in teaching Jun 27, 2011 13:03

    I've taken on a job tutoring this summer. I know the student since he's my cousin and he requested me. He's looking for assistance in math, specifically multiplying/dividing multiple digits and anything with fractions (his words to his mother, not mine). He'll be entering 6th grade this fall. I taught 5th grade this year, but I didn't teach math ( Read more... )

    elementary, math

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  • A lens on the week in Ed: June 2011, iss. 2 -

    ankh_f_n_khonsu wrote in teaching Jun 20, 2011 10:37

    Another week's re-cap of ed-related content via symphily:

    • Early experience found critical for language development - [ #parenting #lingua #edchat #elemchat ]
    • Home learning experiences boost low-income kids' school readiness - [ #parenting #elemchat #edchat #sociology ]
    • People under surveillance are more likely to condemn ( Read more... )

    philosophy of teaching, post secondary, social studies, grading, math, science, unions

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