Jul 17, 2011 11:48
Another re-cap of ed-related content via
- Some people actually like mathematics - t.co/uGtyUzr [ #edchat #math #mathchat #edresearch #edreform {via @davidwees}]
- Surprised? || Atlanta schools created culture of cheating, fear, intimidation - t.co/k9u3dtP [ #edchat #assessment #educhat ]
- Don't let Satan fool you: Why Michele Bachmann's ideas about public ed are silly - t.co/3oczWgf [ #edchat #educhat #p2 #tlot #tcot ]
- Will News Of The World Scandal Affect Murdoch's Foray Into Education? - t.co/Msv3tCK [ #edchat #educhat #complicity ]
- Observation: "21st century education" = vocationalization of public education. Nothing more, nothing less. Neoliberal, Fukuyamist, machinic.
- Recommended => Center for Media & Democracy: Privatizing public ed, #highered policy, teachers - t.co/q0DcQo1 [ #edchat #loveHE ]
- In an age which idolizes homo economicus, "entrepreneurialism" equates with "equal inequality for all". Think about it.
- Michel Foucault: La justice et la police - t.co/4emkUW6 [ #Foucault #philosophy ]
- Cambridge Journals celebrates success with free online access - t.co/kCML5Vk [ #news #loveHE #highered #education #academe #UK ]
- US: Academic Research and Development Expenditures: Fiscal Year 2009 - t.co/QM1mFCz [ #loveHE #highered ]
- Schwan, A. & Shapiro, S. (2011). How to read Foucault's Discipline and Punish - t.co/w75KPyq [ #Foucault #philosophy #bibliophilia ]
- Israeli Kindergarten Teachers To Raise Flag And Sing Anthem Every Week - t.co/XS9zpxm [ #israel #edchat #culture #indoctrination ]
- Schools without walls - t.co/CZRiWBB [ #edchat #edreform #educhat #education #architecture #parenting #culture ]
- California State University raises tuition - t.co/ESSMVr2 [ #loveHE #highered #neoliberalism ]
- How the Depression is re-sorting freshmen - t.co/e7sOpLb [ #loveHE #highered #sociology ]
- Where A is ordinary: The evolution of American college & university grading, 1940-2009 - t.co/BWmkejS [ #edresearch #assessment ]
- Atlanta public schools may have to return nearly $1 million in federal funds - t.co/2MM0Lst [ #edchat #educhat #education ]
- We have never been only human: Foucault & Latour on the question of the anthropos - t.co/nbAWhXg [ #Foucault #philosophy #anthropos ]
- What is 'Mind'? A 21st century take on Descartes - t.co/BS2aU66 [ #Descartes #philosophy #culture #anthropos ]
- Share of children in US hits record low, raises concerns about future - t.co/PRVlT3A [ #sociology #edchat ]
- Canadian identity & curriculum theory: An ecological, postmodern perspective - t.co/ceHtlqK [ #CanEd #BCed #ABed ]
- NCLB: Frustrated educators, advocates call for overhaul - t.co/emDE98M [ #edchat #educhat #education #NCLB ]
- Recommended => Phases & social assemblages: Solids, liquids & gases - t.co/VrdQxW4 [ #sociology #theory #Foucault #anthropos ]
- They shoot the intellectuals first. [Don't worry academics, you'll be fine.] - t.co/RAnUz3C [ #culture #academe #activists ]
- Wittgenstein's camera: Exhibition exploring W's experiments in photography+philosophy - t.co/IJDYte9 [ #philosophy #FiP #anthropos ]
- The Stanford Prison Experiment, 40 years later - t.co/GQ8tmyy [ #sociology #anthropos #culture #loveHE #pathos ]
- Project on Student Debt: "Colleges should do more to help students avoid private loans" - t.co/3wYcYmy [ #loveHE #highered ]
- US Congress begins moving to end subsidizing student loans - t.co/bZdHIbq [ #loveHE #highered #plutocracy ]
- Prescribed failure: NCLB & the Atlanta schools cheating scandal - t.co/h4VqK87 [ #edchat #assessment #NCLB #educhat ]
- Who's teaching creationism to kids? - t.co/OWHgeP7 [ #sociology #parenting #science #scichat #culture #anthropos ]
- Michigan charters "like a runaway train" - t.co/Z4GMi0I [ #Michigan #neoliberalism #edchat ]
- Charter schools in the US: Wall Street's education model - t.co/HZYIECA [ #edchat #neoliberalism #educhat #education ]
- New graphic book to broach critical predagogy, theory & practice - t.co/ce9bn0X [ #bibliophilia #edchat #educhat ]
- California teacher layoffs: New law on teacher layoffs stirs 'confusion', criticism - t.co/XgySZlw [ #edchat #hegemony #lawfare ]
- Educators accused of tampering w/ students' tests from DC to Pennsylvania - t.co/LGPQNcu [ #edchat #complicity #assessment ]
- [Review:] Stiegler, B. (2010). Taking care of youth and the generations - t.co/0EETY9H [ #edchat #sociology #philosophy #PhilEd ]
- What are concepts? - t.co/yoNVWAx [ #philosophy #academe #theory #Deleuze #FiP ]
- Video games, gender & regimes of attraction - t.co/MADo01F [ #sociology #culture #anthropos #philosophy #theory #FiP #Deleuze #Kant ]
- Meet the Tweeters [Infographic] - t.co/c8siKaD [ #sociology #edtech ]
- Teaching to 'the new generation' - t.co/2fKKdZk [ #loveHE #highered ]
- Adjunct says he lost job after launching union drive - t.co/V5vkJUm [ #loveHE #highered #unions ]
- Wikipedia aims higher - t.co/KCKYPfA [ #loveHE #highered #edtech #wiki ]
- Considering the cost of raising children in America - t.co/AXCWMiv [ #sociology #parenting #edchat #culture #anthropos ]
- Dealing with student paralysis - t.co/fjSSM9Z [ #sociology #edchat #educhat #loveHE #highered #pedagogy ]
- Should schools tell children they're overweight? - t.co/wbyUOEW [ #parenting #edchat #educhat #culture #elemchat ]
- Considering Deleuze & Guattari's Schizopolitics - t.co/gU1GaOD [ #Deleuze #philosophy #theory {via @naxos}]
- New research shows that we control our forgetfulness - t.co/I8S6oau [ #culture #anthropos #cogsci #neuro #edchat #educhat ]
- SOS: US teachers to march on Washington this summer - t.co/Dd0E0en [ #edchat #solidarity #educhat #elemchat ]
- I worked at a school that cheated ... - t.co/KW1LmBF [ #edchat #educhat #assessment {via @davidwees}]
- What #NBA players & public school teachers have in common - t.co/rpx1fJ5 [ #edchat #educhat #unions #p2 #rebelleft #cdnleft ]
- Researchers in Ontario discover breakthrough cell that replenishes blood - t.co/ENL6g6B [ #science #health ]
- The biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution - t.co/mdCDmww [ #edtech #sociology #tech #culture #anthropos #sschat ]
- SATs, GPAs, & bias - t.co/aOkYrxy [ #edchat #educhat #assessment #loveHE #highered #sociology #anthropos ]
- Lucas, P. (2011). Foucault and subjection - t.co/MGeJFj0 [ #Foucault #philosophy #anthropos ]
- A-Twitter in Iowa: A $37,000 scholarship for a tweet - t.co/4dTE1SM [ #loveHE #highered #edchat #edtech ]
- 120k students, teachers march in Chile against attacks on public education - t.co/Dx1Xv85 [ #edchat #solidarity #neoliberalism ]
- Why all the teacher bashing? To divert your attention ... - t.co/PUq7ELP [ #edchat #educhat #BCed #BCnews #BCpoli {via @taraehrcke}]
- How *project*-based learning can fit (or not) in an elementary school program - t.co/OhdDpmv [ #elemchat #pedagogy ]
philosophy of teaching,
post secondary,
social studies,