Another day, another Tube strike. The Underground is in very great danger of becoming a mythical thing that people vaguely remember as maybe taking them places around London in dark, dirty, small metal boxes long, long, ago
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I am really sorry I haven't talked to you in so long. You see, I went to Barcelona to see Misha and Jim and Sam and Jensen and Jared and David and Claudio and I was just so over-excited afterwards that I completely couldn't sit still long enough to post anything. There was a monastery and fake!stalking too and oh, LJ, it was all
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Epic illness continues, made worse by epic Misha Day last Saturday. I can't complain too much because it was excellent fun, and I got to meet up with lots of you lovely flist people
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"Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of a bunch of 18 year olds trekking across the globe to teach English and dance on bars for 9 months."So said the invitation to the much-anticipated ten-year Hong Kong reunion which was held on Saturday. I'm not sure a single sentence could ever sum up that 19th year of my life quite as accurately and succinctly
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I don't even know where to start, so I'm going to start by blaming Bradley James and move on to blaming him for everything else from there
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I would very much like to recap my yearly pilgrimage holiday to Japan as, "Epic trip to Japan was epic. The End." But I feel that certain people on my flist will not be satisfied with that, so herein I present a round-up of the main exciting highlights. Which may or many not include a large number of photos of plastic!John and plastic!Rodney
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I can see my breath in my flat, but I don't feel cold at all. This is pretty disturbing. But then, today has been a day of not that much funness. My big computer stopped working, which is sad and now means I have to get someone to save the stuff from my hard drive because there are things I need from there. I also failed at not being paranoid. And
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I think that NaNoWriMo is an awesome thing to do if you are attempting to save money. Which I am. Because (a)heating bills, (b)must have tickets to Japan, (c)pr0n
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