"They May Or May Not Be Underage"

Nov 13, 2008 21:18

I need some sleep. I need sleep so desperately I want to cry. Or laugh. Or write fic. Which is now Default Setting.

I blame it all on the World Travel Market, which has eaten my brain for the past four days. It is large and big and full of people.

This is our stand. It was a bit dull. But there was tea so it was okay.

We were opposite Korea. They had kimchee. People liked them.

For the kids:

I tried to find Kentucky but they were not represented! DX

There were some men in funny hats dancing. I liked their hats.

When the free drinking began suddely and inexplicably the stand became really busy.

Awamori cocktails taste as bad as they look.

But beer is good.

I was foolish enough to go out drinking on Tuesday night. You see, there was the free alcohol and then some JAL people took me out. I am weak for free things. Wednesday was indeed painful.

But I have a new friend. Write or Die is its name and it is a thing of wonder.



With its help (and cienna's whip) NoNoWriMo might not be lost after all!

Except for the fact that I am going to my brother's stag weekend tomorrow. Oh yes. *remembers to pack boys*

And now I go back to writing. The number of projects I have on-going increases exponentially everyday.

epicness, it all seemed like such a good idea, working goes here

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