The Monster Epic Fic: It Breeds Epicness of its Own

Nov 05, 2008 15:29

I think that NaNoWriMo is an awesome thing to do if you are attempting to save money. Which I am. Because (a)heating bills, (b)must have tickets to Japan, (c)pr0n.

Also, continuing on from the success of my hedgehog-pie reserach, in a quest for really realness and complete accuracy in my fic-set-in-a-mythical-nonexistant-world (which is also known as Hungary) I have learnt many fascinating things through the Amazing Internets. Most importantly, birch leaves have antiseptic properties. But also, Gwenivere thinks Arthur and Lancelot are gay for each other (no, really).

I really want to discuss how I have managed to completely obscure an innocent Japanese guy's understanding of an old British legend by explaining that Merlin and Arthur are "more than just friends". Repeatedly. But I really shouldn't because that's just mean. It wasn't on purpose, I swear.

At work I am having slightly homicidal tiemz with my boss. He is usually awesome so he must be having a bad week. Or is angry because I get sick leave and he doesn't. Or something.

Now I go back to work.

p.s. No politicalness from me because everyone else has already said everything there is to say. Except to cienna's dad. Congratualtions cienna's dad! XD

epicness, skint again, working goes here

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