I think that NaNoWriMo is an awesome thing to do if you are attempting to save money. Which I am. Because (a)heating bills, (b)must have tickets to Japan, (c)pr0n.
Also, continuing on from the success of my hedgehog-pie reserach, in a quest for really realness and complete accuracy in my fic-set-in-a-mythical-nonexistant-world (which is also known as Hungary) I have learnt many fascinating things through the Amazing Internets. Most importantly, birch leaves have antiseptic properties. But also, Gwenivere thinks Arthur and Lancelot are gay for each other (no, really).
I really want to discuss how I have managed to completely obscure an innocent Japanese guy's understanding of an old British legend by explaining that Merlin and Arthur are "more than just friends". Repeatedly. But I really shouldn't because that's just mean. It wasn't on purpose, I swear.
At work I am having slightly homicidal tiemz with my boss. He is usually awesome so he must be having a bad week. Or is angry because I get sick leave and he doesn't. Or something.
Now I go back to work.
p.s. No politicalness from me because everyone else has already said everything there is to say. Except to
cienna's dad. Congratualtions
cienna's dad! XD