Title: Lessons Characters: Megatron, Starscream, Motormaster Description: non-con, but no sex, sticky or otherwise. Humiliation, mind games. From the kink meme, prompt here: here. Megatron finds a new way to punish Starscream
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First off and most importantly- thank you to everyone who reported swindleslog on DeviantArt. Your help was really, really comforting during a very creepy incident. I apparently needed to contact DA's help desk myself, say that I could verify I was me and would provide gov't ID had it come down to it, and that was that. Gone and permanently banned
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Title: Protect You For Always Chapter 3 - Never Yours Characters: Skyfire/Skywarp, Skyfire/Starscream Description: Skywarp has a nasty crash and finds himself heavily damaged in the middle of nowhere. Skyfire comes to his rescue, if you call being tied up rescued. Skywarp is carefully cared for and repaired by a very gentle giant, but what's the
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This was all prompted by jokes about Breakdown being Knock Out's nurse. Brianna Cherry Garcia on tumblr got there before me, but the idea had been festering for a while. Between that and a doodling around for a project for the tentacle community, a whole lot happened. And by a whole lot, I mean seeing how many feminine bots/cons I could get into
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Comic for Humblebot, because she made a shit tonne of people hand drawn icons for free, just cause. I thought that was sweet of her, and wanted to make something in return. She likes Thundercracker and Warp, which worked with an idea I already had brewing, and voila.
Dumps! Cause that's all I'm good for right now! But Spacehussy tells me this is okay, and I trust her. She's a bro. So here we have, for your viewing enjoyment, even more doodles. From 4chan. If you don't recognize them, or do not frequent the horrible time-siphon, just google the phrases in the images, should give you a pretty quick reference
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