Title: Lessons Characters: Megatron, Starscream, Motormaster Description: non-con, but no sex, sticky or otherwise. Humiliation, mind games. From the kink meme, prompt here: here. Megatron finds a new way to punish Starscream
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Dumps! Cause that's all I'm good for right now! But Spacehussy tells me this is okay, and I trust her. She's a bro. So here we have, for your viewing enjoyment, even more doodles. From 4chan. If you don't recognize them, or do not frequent the horrible time-siphon, just google the phrases in the images, should give you a pretty quick reference
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More proof busy people get more done. These were all sort of warm ups and cool downs during and after homework, pretty much all of them from these hilarious continuous TF threads on /co/. Good times, good times. So some of these ideas started from other anons on the board, and credit where it is due
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