I swear there will be some non-"hey, look at my life!"-related content in this LJ soon.

Sep 17, 2007 21:56

So, I'm kind of in a weird place right now (which is conceivably perpetrated mostly by hormones -- hello, hormones! You've brought your friend, moodiness! How nice!), where I am building new relationships with various people, both those whom I've known for a while, and those whom I've recently met. This process leads to that awkward "Am I really welcome?" feeling that I generally attempt to avoid by all means necessary, even if that means not putting myself in positions where that could become an issue. Instead, I'm forcing myself out there, hanging out with people, talking to people in coffee shops, hell, talking to people, period. It's a change. I'm not entirely allergic to social interaction, but sometimes I do a pretty good imitation of it. At the same time, though, I'm also missing people whom I haven't spoken to lately. If I were not so completely locked up in my head and the day-to-day life of school, I would get off my ass and drop some people some emails. I really should do that.

Yeah. Refer back to "in a weird place right now."

There's also a ton of uncertainty related to the things I'm doing at school this year, but oddly enough, it's mostly just making me feel really confident in the knowledge that I am, finally, taking steps toward whatever the hell I'll be doing in the future. (If I were at work right now, checking this post for grammar and run-on sentences, I would totally kick my own ass.) So, I don't know. What do I do with that confidence? Just indulge it, I suppose. See how it goes.

Speaking of my future, my results for that career thingy (fashionably late):

1. Desktop Publisher Hmm.
2. Animator
3. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator
4. Fashion Designer
5. Costume Designer
6. Anthropologist
7. Set Designer
8. Graphic Designer
9. Artist
10. Computer Animator
11. Print Journalist hell no. Or, possibly, hell maybe.
12. Critic
13. Writer hell yes.
14. Website Designer
15. Translator

I'm having problems logging onto IRC. I suspect that Mountie School is being funky with its network right now. Hopefully it'll clear up soon, but in the meantime, perhaps the difficulty will force me to actually get some homework done. Ha! Imagine.

Oh, god. Speaking of homework. But before I go off to do that, here's a random conversation between me and my roommate.

Me: Hey, look, this is that spider bite I got ages ago. (I point at a little purplish scarred spot on my leg.)
My roommate: Oh, yeah. Spider bites are nasty. And sometimes you have to have your leg amputated.
Me: Oh, yeah. Lovely.
My roommate: Maybe that could be your thing.
Me: My thing? Like what, my shtick?
My roommate: Yeah. You could be one-legged girl.

Indeed I could.
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