thursday is the day of CRAZY. (+ some random buffy meta question)

Sep 06, 2007 23:27

Oh jeez. I have been up since 6:30 this morning, and this is the first opportunity I've had to sit down and goof off. And if you know me or anything about the way I usually procrastinate, you know that I need my goofing off time. It's kind of nice, though, because this hectic schedule has made me realize that I can handle it; in fact, I feel smarter and more productive than I have in a long time. Maybe that's the trick, just keep me moving and don't give me a chance to think about all the time I could be spending on LJ.

I'm also really happy about the things I'm doing this semester. I'm still on the executive committee for my college's Gay-Straight Alliance (and seem to have managed to come out as bisexual somewhere along the way -- not quite sure how that happened, but that's for a different post), I'm taking two writing-intensive classes, just joined the staff of our literary journal, and am being trained at my brand new exciting job. (I don't know if I've gone into detail about it before; I'll be working as a consultant and writing tutor for other students, especially those who need remedial work or extra help with essays due to learning difficulties or ESL. I'll be observing other consultations for a few weeks before I'm set out on my own, but I've already been impressed by uber-nice bosses, friendly coworkers, a vast library of cool books just for English/writing geeks, and a limitless supply of free tea. I really don't think it's possible to not love this job.)

Of course, this is all in the last two weeks. By the end of the semester I may feel differently, but even if I'm burnt out and bitter by then, I will still have learned a ton. I'm pretty excited about that. Also, I really like my sculpture class, which is completely different from anything else I'm doing. Makes for a nice change. I get to spend a few hours a week being creative and operating power tools and hauling around heavy shit! That makes me feel pretty productive, too.

Wow, I think I just treated my LJ like an actual journal. Haven't done that in a while. Oh, and on a completely different note -- does anyone know some good places to go for Buffy meta? I've been madly rewatching the series (already halfway through season five), and I find myself craving some good ol' thinky thoughts. Especially any meta regarding the treatment of Xander's character over the course of the show's run. Cause, man. Xander! Also, stuff about Riley. I am no longer ashamed to admit this: I ADORE RILEY. And while we're here, any BtVS fic that I absolutely must not miss? *demands and demands*

I am so tired that I might even wind up in bed before midnight. Wow. Off to be completely unproductive for as long as I can before I have to collapse.

life_wooork, life_classes, tv_btvs, life_school y'all

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