it's dr. daniel jackson, the universe's punching bag

Sep 22, 2007 22:28

I saw this vid recced in sol_se's LJ earlier today, and I just got around to watching it... and it was totally and completely the vid I needed to see tonight. In order to pass on the awesome, here it is, the cutest SG1 vid I have seen in a long, long, long time: Flagpole Sitta by littleheaven70. SO MUCH LOVE, y'all. So much. Check it out!

In fact, if you have ever watched Stargate, or even if you've never watched it but you've heard jokes from other people about how many times Daniel Jackson was injured, maimed, beaten up, driven insane, and killed (hint: many many times) -- GO WATCH THIS VID NOW. IMMEDIATELY. I AM NOT JOKING.

That's how you do literalism in a vid, people. That's how you do the funnycuteperfect.

tv_sg1, recs_vids

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