(no subject)

May 10, 2010 21:00

Yesterday I was at the downtown library shortly before closing time. All the shops were closing as well, and a Blenz employee was cleaning up the tables. On one of the tables someone had left a newspaper, and the Blenz employee picked it up and started walking towards the garbage can to throw it out. An environmentally conscious person saw the atrocity that was about to occur, and said, "Hey, I will take the newspaper!" However, the Blenz employee, who heard him, threw it out anyway. The guy and I were horrified at what had just occurred and looked at each other in shock.

In this day and age, why would anyone throw a newspaper in the garbage? Newspapers are probably the easiest thing to recycle, and I really don't understand why people still throw newspaper, as well as paper, cans, and bottles, in the garbage. I realize that part of the problem is the lack of recycling bins, but even when recycling bins are around, people still throw easy-to-recycle items in the garbage. I personally refuse to throw out cans, bottles, and paper in the garbage. If I'm out and there is no recycling bin, I will leave my can or bottle on top/beside the garbage for a bum to pick up (I just can't bring myself to throw a can or bottle in the garbage), and if I pick up a newspaper while I am out, I either put it in a recycling bin if one is around, or take it with me and recycle it at home.

I wonder if Blenz recycles, or if that particular employee is an idiot with no conscience. Either way, it's just one more reason for me to hate Blenz. I've hated Blenz for years, and refuse to buy anything from them for a couple of reasons:

1. Their coffee is fucking nasty. I've only had Blenz coffee a few times (not by choice), and every time I've had it, I felt sick to my stomach. I've never actually gotten diarrhea from their coffee, but every time I've had their coffee, it felt like I was going to have diarrhea.

2. They don't let you use the bathroom. That is reason enough to ban Blenz, even if their coffee didn't make me feel as if I were going to shit my pants.

Even if Blenz does recycle and the employee's actions aren't representative of the entire chain, I hate Blenz for the reasons stated above, and they should not hire such fucktards and should stress the importance of recycling to their employees.

observations and opinions, going green, things i hate

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