(no subject)

May 07, 2010 22:39

I'm five feet tall. When I was younger I was harassed because I was short, and even had people point and laugh at me and my short siblings, and make comments about our height (apparently, seeing a group of short people is funny). But now, I like my height; it works for me. In fact, it can be an advantage, as lots of tall guys like short girls, and I like tall guys, so it works out quite nicely. However, what I don't like about being short is that people try and get away with incredibly disrespectful behaviour that they would never attempt with a taller person.

For example, on several occasions, I've been on a crowded bus, trying to get past someone who is holding onto a pole. When I say, "Excuse me," instead of a) letting go of the pole and stepping back, allowing me to pass in front, or b) stepping closer to the pole while still holding on, allowing me to pass from behind, the person will step back while still holding on to the pole, expecting me to pass under his extended arm. Now, I find that incredibly rude. Just because I am short does not mean I am going to walk underneath someone's arm. Either step forward to allow me to pass from behind, or step back and let go of the fucking pole so that I can walk past with some dignity. The thing is, if I were tall, they would never even expect me to walk under them! Whenever this happens, I tell them that I will walk around them, not under them, and stand there until they properly make room for me to pass.

This morning I was at school, in a cafe that I frequent, getting coffee. As I was at the milk and sugar station, a guy walked past me. I was not blocking the way, and was standing fairly close to the counter, but it was quite busy, and I suppose the guy felt that he needed a little bit more room to comfortably pass without spilling his coffee. But instead of saying, "Excuse me," giving me the opportunity to move and accommodate him, he lifts his coffee cup (which I don't think had a lid), and walks past me, holding his coffee cup a foot or so over my head.

This really pissed me off because had I been taller, he would not have done that--the thought probably wouldn't even have occurred to him, and it's just fucking rude to hover around people's heads/hold things over people's heads (I always feel extra unsettled when people invade my head area). Also, he could have spilled his scalding coffee all over my head!

So I said, "Excuse me, but that's quite rude to hold your coffee above someone's head. You could have asked me to move," or something along those lines. The guy starts having a temper tantrum, and then the woman he was with butts in and says, full of attitude, "You need to chill out!" Chill out?! WTF? Are you 14 years old?! I almost started laughing at that--it was so pathetic seeing a woman in her late 30s say "chill out" like she's a bored teenager who thinks she's too cool for school. And the guy continues to have his little fit, and follows me out of the cafe, and attempts to follow me for several feet. I just told him to learn some manners and ignored him, walking away from him. What fucking losers.

fucktards & douchebags, about me

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