This has been making the rounds. Conservative commentator David Frum wrote an excellent analysis of where the Republican party (his own people, that is) went wrong with the health care reform bill
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I'm puzzled. I know 5-year-old children that are better-behaved than some members of Congress and extremist political commentators in recent months. When did name-calling and rude behavior become standard operating procedure?
Someone else commented that today was the sort of day you want to remember. So I'm posting mostly to remind myself where I was and what I was doing today
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The linked article at CNet sums it up very accurately. McCain thinks the Digital Millennium Copyright Act shouldn't apply to him and YouTube should stop pulling his videos just because they contain copyrighted material used without permission.
Here's one for the depressing but not surprising files:
Justice Department illegally passed over liberals for jobsIt should surprise no one that Bush's political appointees at the Justice Department exerted control over the hiring process to exclude anyone with hints of liberal tendencies, even though it's illegal to do so for civil service jobs
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