The Inauguration

Jan 20, 2009 22:51

Someone else commented that today was the sort of day you want to remember. So I'm posting mostly to remind myself where I was and what I was doing today.

Today was my first day of jury duty, so I was actually sitting in the jury waiting room watching the inauguration activities until about 12:30. The room was noisy in the morning, but as it got closer to the actual swearing-in ceremony, it got quiet. You could have heard a pin drop when they actually started. And when they completed the oath of office, people cheered and applauded.

I was amused by the bobble on the oath. It sounded like the Chief Justice made a little mistake reading them to Obama? I'd like to see the correctwording.

I loved his speech.

And there was something poetic about witnessing one of the hallmarks of democracy, the peaceful transition of power, while taking part in another democratic institution, the right to trial by jury.


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