At about 65million light-years away from Earth is NGC 1300 a barred spiral galaxy, with its blue and red starlight and interstellar dust. As Neil DeGrasse Tyson puts it, "Light from dying dinosaurs just now reaching them
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"People who drink a lot of coffee or other caffeinated beverages are more likely to report hearing voices or having out-of-body experiences than those who go easy on the strong stuff, according to a new study
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"Whenever we get a new idea, or find a new way to solve a problem, then we may make a memory record of it. But records are useless unless you have ways to "re-collect" the ones that are relevant to the problem that you are facing right now. I'll argue that this needs a lot of machinery." -Marvin Minsky
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If science fiction has made anything apparent, it is that robots are the future, specifically artificial intelligence (which doesn’t necessarily need to be in robot form). So I guess I should say that sci-fi writing has made it apparent that robots and AI are the future
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In this, the new-year, the year 2008, after some fervent reflection on the pitfalls of 2007, I’ve come to an earnest and proper resolution that will undoubtedly improve on my person for the coming 2009
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