May 07, 2007 10:12
Memory, however distant, is an event that occurred to you.
Days gone by become obscure and sometimes dwindle down to a single event.
That day i went to the beach, to the movies, sat on the computer all day in my underwear drinking cold coffee and eating nothing but crackers... and so on.
The memory of your own event, of something that happened to you, influences your mind.
You lived through it and now you must live with it.
However, what of another's memory, event, story.
What do stories mean to us?
We do not understand the story from the perspective in which the event was experienced.
In some cases, not even the writer does.
Senses removed, we understand the story intellectually and emotionally.
The story becomes memory but the impact isn't one of an event that actually happened to you.
The difference is obvious yet somehow oblique.
We are to learn lessons from literature, the stories of our elders and our peers, the newspaper and so on....