Robot Connoisseur

Feb 26, 2008 11:35

If science fiction has made anything apparent, it is that robots are the future, specifically artificial intelligence (which doesn’t necessarily need to be in robot form). So I guess I should say that sci-fi writing has made it apparent that robots and AI are the future.

Back in 2006 Japan unveiled a robot that could distinguish (taste) 30 different varieties of wine.
Here, in 2008, Switzerland has developed a machine (robot) that can taste coffee.
What does this mean?
Well, for one, it may mean that you can program your “Coffee Robot” to make that perfect cup of coffee for you every morning. How is that different from coffee machines now? The Coffee Robot can taste it before you can, and remember the precise flavor.

Some people are disturbed by this notion. Not the notion of getting a good cup of coffee in the morning, but of machines that taste. Others refuse the idea of the machine actually tasting anything, “It just recognizes aromatic qualities, chemical information, and the complex patterns of what’s in the coffee, it doesn’t enjoy it.”

Isn’t that what we’re doing? Our tongue is a sensory device with the ability to recognize chemical information and so on, send that information to our brain, and we process the information.
What’s the difference?


robot, coffee, japan, switzerland, ai, future, wine

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