Yesterday, after having had wet numb feet twice during the day, I finally broke down and splurged on a pair of water-proof boots I'd had my eye on for some time: Columbia's Bugathermo rechargable, heated boot.
Watching "The Time Machine." Yes, the George Pal version. You had to ask?
So, Netflix streaming has a problem with aspect ratio; I feel like I'm watching a spaghetti western. Hmmm...changed my TV's setting to "fill" and problem solved. At least for this movie. Will have to test this "fill" setting in other contexts to see if we have a panacea here
One of my favorite things to do on Thanksgiving is to watch bad horror films. Today, I started out with "Hollywood Scarefest: Premiere Edition!" via Netflix streaming on my PS3.
Netflix has just released their streaming solution for the PS3 and it is the same as the initial XBox offering: A disc is required to access the content. Presumably, this is until a PS3 native app is available
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