Yesterday, after having had wet numb feet twice during the day, I finally broke down and splurged on a pair of water-proof boots I'd had my eye on for some time: Columbia's
Bugathermo rechargable, heated boot.
It was not available via Amazon Prime, so I chose the standard 3-5 day shipping option. Today, I received a FedEx shipping notification for expedited shipping, arriving tomorrow. Rock! I had looked into expedited shipping, but it was almost $30 and I figured I could wait 3-5 days. Glad I now don't have to wait!
Yesterday was Phoebe's first birthday, but the horrible, shitastic weather prevented us from having fun outside. Well, she had fun as she seems immune to the cold, but I couldn't handle the wet, numb feet (I went through two pairs of shoes yesterday), so our outside excursions were limited.
Thankfully, today was much nicer (read: drier), so we were able to spend a more significant amount of time outside, and she was able to play with her new friend, Chewie, at noon as has become a ritual. Then, this evening was the typical Puppypalooza. She is now (not so) quietly chewing on a rawhide while I watch
Hell House: The Book of Samiel via Netflix streaming on the PS3. So far, it sucks, but I expected that; I have a thing for bad, independent horror films, you see.