Title: Quiet Revolution / Chapter 16 - Brand New Sight
Author: street scribbles
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Hermione's date with Blaise finally happens. Some more stuff happens. And then . . . even more stuff happens. Do you guys still read my summaries? :P
A/N: This chapter couldn't have happened without you, burger face. :) And you know that. I know
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Comments 66
Where's the icon that you said you were gonna use?! WASTE OF MY FUCKING TIME!
She sounds intelligent, mature, and insightful.
Well. Not really. She's into ass slapping though, so she's okay.
Don't make fun of the Mormons, S. You'll go to hell. Haha and I already told you the shower stuff was cause of you. Your response was something like "Yep. Wait it out. WAIT THE FUCKER OUT! DON'T LOSE FUCKING HOPE!" Wise words babe.
I didn't approve of this sentence. This is what happens when I leave you to your own devices. Oh, fuck, that's an awesome sentence. He wants you to turn around . . . and assume the position.
WTF! HAHAHAHAHHA. That line was ALWAYS there, S. You read it outloud on the phone, even! DON'T BE PERVY. They're in GRADE school.
Because Italian is the food of Blaise's ancestors. Ahh, I gotcha! *WINK*
Cuz the only reason ( ... )
"You read it outloud on the phone, even!"
Oh come on! You totally can't hold me accountable for any of the shit I say, especially when I can't remember what the fuck I was babbling about. Did I point this out the first go-round, too? Hahaha, turn AROUND. HAHAHA.
That is so ME, it's SCARY. I was kind of reserved on first dates, ALWAYS. Cause I was like, well I totally be myself cause they might think I'm fucking retarded, or weird, or both . . . AND boring. And I wouldn't know what to say, so I'd say I was tired too. And I said it so often, that I'd believe it . . . and actually get tired. Haha.
Dude, that's hot. That line. I'm feelin it. I'm feelin it. Nice, B. Nice. :)
Aw, this Chocolate frog passage was really sweet. It humanized him. And it's also sad because he's soooo dead. Ugh.
I really, really liked those two reactions from you, S. They made me happy. :) Cause I really like the line, too. And the chocolate frog scene was totally me trying to flesh out his character a bit. SPOT on, BK, gjgj. :D
Aw, I know what you mean now, when you said you started to like Hermione as you were working on this. I like her too. But B, we must continue to fight the evil! FIGHT IT!
Dude. Did you know, way back when I wanted to write this story - the main focus was on Hermione? And I was like, well I like D/Hr so I'll make it D/Hr, but I really wanted to concentrate on Hermione's character and really work on it, weaknesses and strengths and change and good and bad. And then I started to get annoyed with her for some reason (*COUGH*) and so rereading THIS chapter for me brought back what this fic's original intent was. And I can see you cringing. But yes, it was indeed HERMIONE.
You're just sad to see Blaise go because random images of Pharrell won't pop pleasantly into your head while reading future chaps. But it's okay, I understand.
Blasian mystique . . . HAHAHAHAHA.
Noo, nothing can beat Caublasian! Nothing!
Yes. And when you did, I was like "are you fucking serious?"
And you were like, "Yes."
And then I was like, ". . ."
Aww, this was AWESOME feedback, Stace. My ego is totally obsese right now. Wheeeee. THANK YOU!! <3 I feel so much more proud of this chapter after all the changes, so that's totally you. Thanks again. :)
:) :) :)
I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE THIS. Plus, yesterday I was super depressed but it turns out the fact that yesterday was calculated to be the most depressing day of the year may have something to do with that.
*beam beam beam* Beaming like a spaceship.
- Lord of the Flies
AW, TWIN! What happened? Email me or I'll see you on AIM soon okay? I don't know if I had THE most depressing day yesterday, but I did have a pretty crap day too. Twinses are sad. :(
Talk to you soon babe! <3
Fuck you to the gates of HELL, BETTY!
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