Title: Quiet Revolution / Chapter 16 - Brand New Sight
Author: street scribbles
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Hermione's date with Blaise finally happens. Some more stuff happens. And then . . . even more stuff happens. Do you guys still read my summaries? :P
A/N: This chapter couldn't have happened without you, burger face. :) And you know that. I know
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Everything before this was just tightly written man, I was riveted. I think the EXACT same thing happened when I was talking to you, huh? All of a sudden, there was SILENCE for a minute, and there was nothing I could say. :) That's really good, isn't it? Still soooo good, B. I love this version of Hermione. It feels like she's grown some, and has this whole new perspective on things. Just well done.
“Can we finish the spell?”
"She had been wrong. So wrong."
It's about damn time she figured this out. And nice, B. I totally think it's vital to her character that the girl, at some point, just figures out that she's soooo crazily wrong at some point. To me, that's a lesson in humility that she seriously needs. So THANK YOU for this. :)
“I’m talking right now - do you like it when I call you Mudblood?” he interrupted her."
Nice. I like that. It came outta NOWHERE. But you're like--okay, what's his point?
"Jump into the lake."
Did I already ask you if this is a Biblical ref? Cuz I'm asking again. :P
"And she leaned up and kissed him."
"Nobody stayed the same after the war. Ron had pent up even more emotions. Harry was dead. But Hermione fought to stay the same. She didn’t like modifications and alterations at all - school uniforms had not changed at Hogwarts for a hundred and two years, and Professor McGonagall would always have her “surprise” quiz on Tuesdays. But this time, everything was different and she knew that she needed to change."
UGH, perfect.
Sooo, is she gonna jump into the lake or what? Cuz that's like . . . what I was waiting for. Thanks for leading me on! GOD!
I love the new version of this. It's so much thicker, and the flow was sooo nice. The language and prose was . . . altered a little. ;) About goddamn time.
Yes. And when you did, I was like "are you fucking serious?"
And you were like, "Yes."
And then I was like, ". . ."
Aww, this was AWESOME feedback, Stace. My ego is totally obsese right now. Wheeeee. THANK YOU!! <3 I feel so much more proud of this chapter after all the changes, so that's totally you. Thanks again. :)
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