Title: Quiet Revolution / Chapter 16 - Brand New Sight
Author: street scribbles
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Hermione's date with Blaise finally happens. Some more stuff happens. And then . . . even more stuff happens. Do you guys still read my summaries? :P
A/N: This chapter couldn't have happened without you, burger face. :) And you know that. I know
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Where's the icon that you said you were gonna use?! WASTE OF MY FUCKING TIME!
She sounds intelligent, mature, and insightful.
Well. Not really. She's into ass slapping though, so she's okay.
Don't make fun of the Mormons, S. You'll go to hell. Haha and I already told you the shower stuff was cause of you. Your response was something like "Yep. Wait it out. WAIT THE FUCKER OUT! DON'T LOSE FUCKING HOPE!" Wise words babe.
I didn't approve of this sentence. This is what happens when I leave you to your own devices. Oh, fuck, that's an awesome sentence. He wants you to turn around . . . and assume the position.
WTF! HAHAHAHAHHA. That line was ALWAYS there, S. You read it outloud on the phone, even! DON'T BE PERVY. They're in GRADE school.
Because Italian is the food of Blaise's ancestors. Ahh, I gotcha! *WINK*
Cuz the only reason she puts up with D is for Harry's ressurection anyways.
Good night. :)
"You read it outloud on the phone, even!"
Oh come on! You totally can't hold me accountable for any of the shit I say, especially when I can't remember what the fuck I was babbling about. Did I point this out the first go-round, too? Hahaha, turn AROUND. HAHAHA.
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