A snowman family in the #PolarVortex2019

Feb 05, 2019 17:20

A snowman family in the Polar Vortex
by Strannik on DeviantArt

On January 29, 2019, a pretty decent chunk of Canada and American Midwest got hit with the polar vortex. And Chicago was right on the thick of it. When the wind wasn't blowing, it was cold, but tolerable. But when the wind did blow... oh boy.

It was still cold the following day, but on Friday, it warmed up enough that I could actually walk around without putting on several layers of gloves. And I went to check out the nearby beach, the Hollywood Beach, to see if the cold created any ice walls. It didn't. The beach was mostly just snow with plenty of footprints. And standing by the shoreline was what I could only describe as a family of snowmen.

I mean, you see it too, right?

I took lots of photos, but this is the one where you can see them most clearly.

Since then, the temperatures jumped dramatically, and all of the snow has melted - so I'm glad that I was able to catch them when I could.

edgewater, art and creativity, chicago north side, weather, photography, chicago

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