That wasn't where I thought that conversation would go

Feb 15, 2019 23:27

I was on the CTA bus, traveling between assignments. Two girls around high school age were sitting in the two rows ahead of me, one girl leaning over the back of the seat to chat with her friend, who was sitting one seat behind her.

I was reading a book, so I wasn't really paying that much attention to their conversation. But they were loud, so a few bits occasionally intruded into my awareness. The girl sitting further away was saying something about some guy who wanted a relationship, and her friend was making sympathetic noises. So far so ordinary.

But I never, not in a million years, would have expected what the girl said next.

"I said 'I'm not your girlfriend. I'm your sister. We came out of the same pussy! I don't do that incest shit!'"

The other girl didn't miss a beat, and the conversation quickly shifted to something a girl in their class said, and I was just...

Even now, it's like... What the hell kind of messed up... I don't even know what to call it... did I stumble onto?

commuter tales, wtf, chicago south side, chicago

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