Living for Giving the Devil his Due. Chapter 7/13

Jun 30, 2007 23:26

Looks like I was wrong there will be 13 chapters not 12. I hope that's lucky. Seth did his editing magic again. Oh and for those of you waiting for Dawn here she is and of course she figures it out.

Title: Living for Giving the Devil his Due. Chapter 7/?
Author: Strangevisitor7
Fandom: Supernatural, BtVS & Quantum Leap
Characters: Bobby Singer , Dawn Summers, Sam Winchester, Sam Beckett
Pairings : Sam/Dawn
Rated: G
Disclaimer: All things SPN belong to Eric Kripke, et al. All things Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, All thing Quantum Leap belong to Donald P. Bellisario, et al..
Summary: Sam Winchester, Dawn and Bobby confront the crossroads Demon, who pays a visit to find out where Dean is hiding. Sam Beckett tries to understand the insanity that is the Winchester world.

A/N: So that Sam Beckett had not been leaping in time for 25 years, I have adjusted the time line to match up better. Sam Beckett’s present is 2015 (this is where Al is) and he has been leaping around for 3 years before he lands in Dean Winchester

The other chapters are here:
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13

Chapter 7: You're Not Yourself Tonight

Dawn flopped down on the coach next to Sam. Gabbing his arm and tossing it over her shoulder she cuddled into him. “We’ll figure it out. I’ve got every Scooby working on it and Willow says she’ll pop in if we think it will help.”

Sam smiled down at her. He held her closer and planted a kiss on the top of her head. “What would I do without you?”

“Have to learn Sumerian and make your own potions, I’m guessing.”

Sam allowed himself a small laugh then added more seriously, “What if it really is Dean and he’s just lost his mind?”

“No, Sam,” Bobby walked over and handed him a beer. “That is not Dean. That boy would never have a breakdown.”

“How can you know that?” Dawn asked.

Bobby sat down at the table and collected his thoughts. “‘Til the day you two drove off to see the Grand Canyon, all he cared about was making sure you were happy, Sam. He was not scared of dying. He believed these last two years were a gift. You know that. So, do I think Dean would have a breakdown in the face of death, hell no, I think he’d paint the Impala pink before that would ever happen.

Dawn started to giggle, “Oh man, the Impala pink. I gotta go with Bobby on this one, Sam. Something else is going on and I don’t think whatever it is, is evil.”

“Really, why?” Before Dawn could answer him, they heard a taunting voice from outside.

“Sam Winchester are you in there! I think we need to talk. Oh and bring Dean with you please, we have a date.” The three jumped to their feet. Sam sent Bobby to untie Dean and bring him along. Then, he and Dawn headed out to the front porch.

In the front yard stood a stunning brunette in a little black dress.

“Demon,” seethed Dawn and Sam in unison. Dawn leaned in to whisper “In person. Don’t they usually just send the hounds?”

Sam nodded. This was strange. “What do you want, bitch?” Sam heard Bobby and Dean exit the house to stand beside him.

“Really, must we play this game? I want Dean, where is he?”

Sam cocked his head in confusion at her. He was about to point out that Dean was right next to him when Dawn grabbed his arm and spoke for him. “He’s taking a little vacation but we expect him back any day.

“You can’t hide Dean forever, you know.”

Dawn responded. “I don’t think we have to hide him forever. I think we only have to hide him for one year.”

The Demon’s face changed. Dawn gave a little internal leap of glee, that reference book had been right.

“If I find out that you’ve cheated me, Sam Winchester, you're mine. Then, I’ll see if we can’t include your little girlfriend in that deal, too.”

Dawn stepped in front of the men, who were still playing catch-up, “You can’t touch me or Sam. Dean is safe and your deal will be broken in one year. Better luck next time.”

“What the hell is going on?” demanded Sam Beckett. He had reached his limit for these proceedings and he wanted some answers that did not involve demons.

Sam looked at the man wearing his brothers face and whispered in his ear, “You need to be quiet and whatever you do don’t tell her who you are.” Sam had caught up to Dawn.

But Beckett was having none of this. “Who are you?” he shouted at the woman. “I’ll repeat the question. What the hell is going on?” He stormed off the porch even as Bobby and Sam made to grab him. He glared at them to back off.

“Let it play out, Sam.” Bobby suggested. “Maybe we’ll get some more answers.”

Sam nodded, though it was killing him to see Dean standing so close to the demon.

The demon didn’t take her eyes off the man in front of her but she spoke to Sam. “Didn’t tell your new friend about me did you, Sammy?”

“He’s new in town and not familiar with demons.” Sam offered. “And don’t call me Sammy, bitch.”

“Ooh, temper, Sammy.” She smiled. “I am just a friendly demon here to make wishes come true and to collect a very bad boy’s soul.” Suddenly, she was gone from in front of Beckett and appeared behind him to whisper over his shoulder. “Who are you?”

“How did you do that?” Beckett whirled to face her again.

The man in front of her looked frightened. Good. She didn’t get many opportunities to play with mortals and this one looked like he could tell her what she wanted to know. She leaned in to caress Beckett’s face and recoiled from him as if she’d touched something hot. Now, she was angry. “Who the hell are you?” She roared.

From the porch, Dawn yelled. “Tell her the real truth from your soul. There’s now point it hiding anymore”

The three men looked sideways at Dawn but she just smiled and encouraged the man who would be Dean, to continue.

Sam Beckett was not a stupid man and while he did not understand everything that was going on at this moment, he realized that to insist he was Dean would not be a wise course of action. The woman in front of him was just plain creepy and, he was starting to believe, not human.

He cleared his throat and stated, “My name is Dr. Samuel Beckett. I am a theoretical physicist from New Mexico.”

Dawn smiled. “I knew it, not Dean. He's telling the truth” She whispered to her companions.

“He’s Dr. Beckett? Care to explain how?” Bobby asked. Dawn waved his attention back to the demon and Beckett.

“Not good enough. You reek of ...of..” her yelling sputtered out as she searched for the right word. Pointing a finger into Beckett’s face, she growled, “Something is not right here. I’ll figure it out and I’ll be back.” Then she vanished.

Beckett stood there staring at the space where the demon had been. He turned around looking for her and then simply collapsed to the ground, hands covering his face, shaking his head and muttered “No, no, no...”

A Demon Interlude: Part II

Pacisca was in a rage. She had called in too many favors to go to the surface to have failed in retrieving Dean. She had mistakenly assumed that he would be with Sam. Now, the deal was in jeopardy because they knew the clock was ticking. To make matters worse, she had run into that man. His soul was unusual, untainted almost. She’d never seen that before.

“Troubles, my dear.” Lathos smirked.

“Not now.”

“Word in the hell dimensions is that you lost Dean Winchester and ran into an unusual soul”

“Well, hell spawn needs to shut up. So, unless you've came to offer your assistance you need to go.”

“Oh, but I think I can help. Why don’t you tell me what you found when you went to visit the younger Winchester.”

“What’s the catch?” Pacisca eyed him suspiciously. Lathos never did anything that didn’t involve the ultimate humiliation of the lesser demons.

“Let’s just say, I’ve an interest in that other soul.”

Pacisca smiled and nodded.

A/N: Chapter title from ‘Back of Your Car’ by Ryan Starr

Chapter 8

btvs, dawn summers, dean winchester, quantum leap, sam beckett, supernatural, sam winchester, my fic, al calavicci, bobby singer

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