Living for Giving the Devil his Due. Chapter 11/13

Jul 16, 2007 21:41

Title: Living for Giving the Devil his Due. Chapter 11/13
Author: Strangevisitor7
Fandom: Supernatural, BtVS & Quantum Leap
Characters : Dawn, Willow, Faith, Sam Winchester, Dean, Bobby Singer, Admiral Al Calavicci, Sam Beckett.
Pairings : Dean/Faith and Sam/Dawn
Rated: Gen
Disclaimer: All things SPN belong to Eric Kripke, et al. All things Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, All thing Quantum Leap belong to Donald P. Bellisario, et al..
Summary: Dean awakes to find himself in Hell. Or maybe not. Sam and Dawn search for answers when Sam Beckett leaps into Dean. Will Dr. Beckett save Dean or will they both be damned?
Chapter Summary: If Dean is not safe in the future, can Sam Beckett be safe in the present, when the demon finally comes to collect.

The other chapters are here:
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13

Chapter 11: You're the Master of Your Own Destiny

Al raced into the waiting room shouting, “The demon is coming.” Only to see Faith impact the wall next to him.

“Thanks for the update there military man.” Faith snarked as she picked herself up off the floor.

Al took in the scene in front of him. The room was in chaos. Furniture was overturned. Dawn had been tossed in the corner like a rag doll. A brunette in black leather had Dean by the throat and was holding him one handed just above the floor. Dean clutched at the hand encircling his throat. Willow was nowhere to be seen.

He watched as the woman held onto Dean and yet was able to shove Faith across the room again.

Al made his way to Dawn and helped her to her feet. She shook off her lethargy and pushed Al toward the door. “Best get out of here, Admiral, this won’t be pretty.”

Al watched the scenario play out from the safety of the hallway. He felt helpless, but also recognized that he was out of his league. He kept the marines at the ready, even though he was sure that they were useless.

“Your brother tried to stop me, Dean, so I promised to make you suffer. First, I think I’ll take out your little girlfriend while you watch. She is becoming quite the nuisance.” The demon dropped Dean into a heap and turned her attention to Faith.

“Slayer, please just die. I don’t have time for this.” The two circled each other and the fight began for real.

“Not dyin’ today. Got more important things to do. Like kick your ass.”
Faith was maneuvering the fight away from Dean.

Avoiding the flying limbs, Dawn circled the room, grabbed Dean and dragged him out into the hall to stand with Al. Dean was hugging his ribs and limping, but Dawn still had to hold him back from joining the fray again. “You can’t help, remember?”

Dean just huffed his annoyance and leaned against the door frame for support. He shrugged off Al’s suggestion for medical care. “Not while my girl’s working.”

The demon noticed him leaving the room and called out, “Don’t go far, Sugar Lips. As soon as I kill the slayer, we have a date.”

“I really don’t take kindly to hell-spawn flirting with my guy.” Faith emphasized her words with a series of punches to the demon’s face and gut.

The demon responded by knocking Faith on her ass and kicking her in the side while taunting, “Oh sweetie, once I get him down below, he won’t even remember your name.”

Faith rolled to her feet and launched herself into the demon sending them both colliding into the wall.

From the hallway Dean contributed, “Sorry bitch, but I don’t do demons and I have no intention of going to hell with you. So, your lame ass needs to go.”

Dawn added, “Faith, I know your having fun but it’s time to finish this.”

Faith nodded and turned the fight to keep the demon facing the wall. She maneuvered the demon into a head lock and gave the prearranged signal.

Dawn called to Willow. The witch appeared with a large canvas stretched between two poles. She and Dawn spread the tarp out on the ground and Faith flung the demon right into the center, adding,“We’re done here, bitch!”

The demon was on her feet immediately racing back toward Faith. She ran into an invisible force which knocked her back. She couldn’t walk off the canvas. “What have you done?!” She screeched.

The three women stood like a wall in front of her. “It’s a Devil’s Trap.” Willow answered, snickering. “Portable, for those tough-to-track demons.”

“I will kill you all! You can’t do this. You’re cheating.” The demon’s eyes flared red and her ranting grew vicious.

Al followed Dean back into the room. “Ooh, anyone ever tell you you’re fugly when you’re mad. As for the deal, I’m thinking you bent some rules tracking me how far - ” Dean looked to Willow for confirmation, “seven years into the future on a one year deal.”

The demon eyed the group menacingly, “You do this and I will claw my way out of hell and shred Dean’s soul!”

“Ooh, ooh! Let me tell her.” Willow was giddy with excitement. “You won’t be back here for a long time because we have a new and improved way to send you back to hell.” She turned to tell Dean. “We couldn’t use it before without triggering the ‘Sammy recall clause’ but now that the deal is expired, it should work perfectly. It will send her on a seriously long, nasty trip into the deepest circles of hell. It’s actually kinda nifty how we found it. In the Watcher’s archive-” Willow was cut off as Dawn’s hand came to cover her mouth stopping the babble.

“Sorry, Will, but details are not important now,” Dawn reminded her. Willow nodded her understanding.

The demon was still spouting the useless threats of the damned, when Faith stepped on to the canvas. She looked at the demon with hatred in her eyes. “Will you just shut up? You can’t touch him.” She leaned in close. “And just so you know Willow thinks this ritual is going to hurt.” Faith’s smile sent a chill down Al’s spine and then she punched the demon in the face sending her to the ground.

“That’s my girl!” Dean announced proudly, grabbed her close and kissed her hard.

“Geez, guys! Get a room,” Dawn carped. “Can we finish this before you two get naked?”

Faith separated herself from Dean and went to help her friends restrain the demon.

Al came over to help them. “So, that’s really a demon?”

Four dumbfounded faces turned slowly in Al’s direction. Finally, Faith broke the silence saying. “Yeah, sailor man that’s a demon.”

“Wow, she’s hot.” Al commented.

“Ugh, men!” sighed Willow.

“Head in the game, Al,” chided Dean.

“Look who’s talking,” Faith whispered as she went to stand by him.

“Hey, I can do this blindfolded,” he smirked, drawing her in close.

“Don’t I know it,” Faith countered while tilting her head up to receive his kiss.

Al leaned over to Dawn. “Are they like this all the time?”

Dawn looked sad. “Yeah, they used to be.”

Dean stopped and looked at Dawn. Al could see that he had forgotten that to these women he and Sam had been dead for seven years. He released Faith and came over to hug Dawn.

“Sorry Dawnie, I know you miss him. Let’s get everyone back where they belong.” He gave her shoulder a little squeeze and turned to face the others. “Okay, let’s banish this bitch so I can leap back to where I belong.”

“Banish? Wait a minute.” Al suddenly realized that he’d been kept in the dark about how these protections were supposed to work. “Your brother said you were specifically not to banish any demons.”

“Well,” said Dean dragging one had across the back of his neck and smiling conspiratorially with the women, “Sammy had a good plan for Sammy, but that was never gonna work for me.”

“Still, my Sam said that I had to report back as soon as possible.” Al was positive the minute he left they were going do whatever Dean wanted. “I am going to have to insist that you do not do anything to her until I have talked to the Sams.”

"We have to banish her. We can't keep a demon trapped this way forever," Dawn explained. "The ritual Willow found would guarantee that the demon was trapped in hell for at least a year. After that she'd have no claim on Dean."

"But banishing her could trigger the leap from inside the mountain. We don't know what that might do," Al countered. "And what if Sam isn’t done with his part of the mission?”

“Well, you would know more about what causes any leap than I would,” Dawn admitted.

Al mused aloud. “Well, if the exorcism isn’t the trigger then Dean and Sam won’t leap and they would most likely live out the year in opposite bodies anyway.”

“But,” Willow added, “either way the demon would be gone and everyone would be safe.”

Al had to agree that in spite of the consequences, they had to get rid of the demon. “Fine, we do it your way, but I still want to talk to my Sam. We’ve never had actions at the project trigger the leap and I just want to warn him. I suspect this could be a rough transition.”

Al was able to extract a promise from Dean that they would wait for his return.

“You tell my brother that we had to improvise. No need to tell him that I was going to do it my way from the beginning. Also,” warned Dean, “Sammy’s gonna be upset that we changed his plan. He’ll throw his arms out like he’s trying to fly, maybe rant a little and even make that prissy bitch-face. Just tell him to suck it up and trust me because I’m driving”

This elicited laughter from the ladies. Al smiled and agreed to pass on the message.


Chapter Title: “Fight The Good Fight” by Triumph

Chapter 12

btvs, faith lehane, dawn summers, dean winchester, quantum leap, sam beckett, supernatural, sam winchester, my fic, crossover, willow rosenberg, al calavicci, bobby singer

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