Living for Giving the Devil his Due. Chapter 10/13 SPN/QL/BtVS

Jul 11, 2007 21:39

Title: Living for Giving the Devil his Due. Chapter 10/13
Author: Strangevisitor7
Fandom: Supernatural, BtVS & Quantum Leap
Characters : Dawn, Willow, Faith, Sam Winchester, Dean, Bobby Singer, Admiral Al Calavicci, Sam Beckett.
Pairings : Dean/Faith; Sam/Dawn
Rated: PG
Disclaimer: All things SPN belong to Eric Kripke, et al. All things Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, All thing Quantum Leap belong to Donald P. Bellisario, et al..
Summary: Dean awakes to find himself in Hell. Or maybe not. Sam and Dawn search for answers when Sam Beckett leaps into Dean. Will Dr. Beckett save Dean or will they both be damned?
Chapter Summary: The demon stops to gloat to Sam about tracking Dean down because, well demons are like that.

The other chapters are here:
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13

Chapter 10: Hangman Is Comin' Down From the Gallows

Al had come and gone. They now knew that Willow, Dawn and Faith were on the job. The Admiral promised to check back as soon as the protections were in place.

Sam decided that they should travel back to Cleveland. Doc could hang at the Watcher’s house with Xander and the slayers for protection. Meanwhile, he and Dawn could head out on the road together, continuing the family business as the year played out.

“Not happening, Sammy,” Dr. Beckett said. “I am not letting you run off with your girlfriend while Xander babysits me.”

“Be reasonable, Doc, you’ve never hunted. It’s too dangerous. Cleveland is the safest place.”

“I’ll agree to go to Cleveland but only if you take the year off too. No way I meet up with Dean someday and I have to explain how you got killed on my watch.”

Bobby chuckled. “I gotta go with the Doc on this one, Sam.”

Sam cast both men dark looks. He turned to gather support from Dawn, but she shook her head and cast her vote against him.

He couldn’t believe this. “No! I have been hunting since I was a child and I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Doc is not.”

“I beg to differ,” said Beckett. “You are not capable. You do, in fact, die six weeks from now when you try to go out on your own. So, once again, I have to insist that you stay in Cleveland with me.” The traditional Winchester staring contest began, but this time, Sam Beckett was channeling Dean enough to know that he was winning.

“Fine!” came the petulant, child-like reaction from Sam as he grabbed his stuff and headed out to the car.


Sam stepped out of the house and there she was; the curvy brunette in the little black dress.

“Going somewhere, Sam?”

Sam ignored the demon, leaned back into the house and yelled to his companions, “The bitch is back.”

The others joined him on the porch. “You mind leaving. You're lowering my property value,” Bobby sneered.

“Now, now. I just came to tell you that I am off to collect your brother, Sam. It seems that he’s been trying to avoid me. I’m hurt.”

“I am not telling you where he is.” Sam kept a neutral expression and leaned over to whisper to Beckett. “Is Al back yet?”

Doc shook his head. If Al hadn’t returned, then they didn’t know if the protections were finished. They’d try to stall the demon, not only, to find out what she really knew but also, to give the future more time.

“Dean is beyond your grasp.” Dawn taunted the demon right back. “The deal is broken. Didn’t they tell you?”

“Silly girl, I don’t have to play by the rules if you don’t”

“We’ve done nothing to cheat. If you can’t find Dean, that’s not my problem.” Sam was getting worried and it must have showed

“Oh Sammy, don’t be sad. I promise not to hurt him. I’m going to do the collection myself. The hounds tend to rip people apart.”

“He’s not here. We told you that,” Sam insisted.

“Oh, I know that. I’m not exactly sure how you got him to 2015, but did you really think I wouldn’t find him?” She smiled as the truth registered on all their faces. “That’s right, gang. I am on my way to New Mexico.”

“Leave him alone. He’s beyond the year specified in the deal.” Beckett was angry now. He stepped off the porch and closed in on her.

“Aah, the man who made this all possible, Dr Samuel Beckett. Another special Sammy. Well, normally the time symmetry would hold true, but you make this collection unique. Why don’t you tell me exactly what makes you worthy of such special treatment?”

“I’m just a physicist who hates demons.”

“Let’s make a little side deal. You tell me why an upper echelon demon like Lathos wants you and may be I’ll let Dean live a little longer.”

“Lathos?” Dawn mouthed to Bobby and he shrugged in return. She discreetly held up her fingers to mime a phone and eyeglasses; the universal sign for ‘calling Giles’. Nodding, Bobby moved to shield her as she retreated into the house.

The demon was focused on Beckett, waiting for a response she hadn't noticed Dawn's retreat. “What? You play these kinds of games with time and you don’t think that there's fallout?”

“Beckett hasn’t made any deals, so you can’t touch him. Dean is beyond your reach and you know it. So, pontificate all you like but you’ve got nothing.” Sam was furious. He had moved next to Beckett to loom over the petite demon.

“Ooh. You don’t get this do you. Your friend here has caught the eye of some pretty influential demons. You’ve swapped two souls that are linked in a way you can’t even begin to imagine. You’re trying to beat a deal made with a willing participant. It seems to me that I’m the one holding all the cards. So hell yeah, I will pontificate because, damn, I’m winning.” She smiled and her eyes flashed red in triumph

The color drained from Beckett’s face. “What does that mean? That Dean and I are linked?”

“It means, because of you, I get to take Dean and you get to come along for the ride.”

Bobby had had enough. All demons ever did was mess with your head. He grabbed the super soaker he kept on the porch, moved within range and began spraying the annoying hell spawn with holy water.

She began smoking and hissing. “How dare you?”

“Get the hell out of here, you lying bitch.” Bobby emptied the rest of the holy water on her. “Go mess with people who give a crap.”

She looked like a drowned rat but her words cut through Sam like a knife. “I will make your brother suffer before and after I eat his soul. As for you Dr. Beckett, I can’t wait to see what Lathos has planned for you.” She disappeared as the wind carried her demonic laughter away.

“Damn demons. So friggin’ theatrical,” Bobby huffed and went back into the house to refill his water pistol.

“Sam, what the hell is happening?”

Sam just shook his head. “Well this is definitely about more than just the deal Dean made. It seems to have a bigger connection to you than a simple leap, but hell if I know how.”

Beckett was distracted by the sound of the imaging chamber. “Al’s back.” He turned to address the hologram “Al, you need to warn everyone the demon is on her way and apparently she can still collect Dean.”

Becket listened to Al’s response and added, “Great, but you have to warn them. Then, come back ASAP. Hurry! Go now! ”

Dawn and Bobby came back out in time for Doc’s recap of Al’s side of the conversation.

“The good news is that Al’s pretty sure they’re done. Except, they don’t seem to want to explain anything to him.” Beckett lowered himself onto the porch steps.

Sam settled in next to him. “Those women have big trust issues with the military. I’m sure all is going as planned.” Turning his attention to Dawn. “Giles have anything to add.”

“Yeah, he had a few interesting insights. He’s sure Lathos is a personal designation. He remembered a clan of demons, called the Landilothos, that have been suspected of being able to manipulate time. They might be connected. He’s off to research and will call back when he knows more. In other news, Giles definitely believes that Doc fits the pattern for a champion for TPTB.”

“A clan of time manipulating demons. Of course.” Beckett dropped his head into his hands and started laughing. “You guys have weird lives. Well if they do exist, they would definitely want me out of the way”

“It makes sense,” Sam added. “Leaping into Dean on the cusp of his collection must have offered them some sort of loophole to reach you.”

“We should hit the books and see what we can find out about this demon clan and maybe get some insight into how to break that connection between you and Dean,” Dawn suggested.

“Would TPTB really let some demon take my soul to hell because of a loophole in Dean’s deal? Is it true that it’s my fault she’s still able to collect on Dean?”

“Demons lie,” Bobby growled. “Can’t trust ‘em.”

Dawn sat down next to Beckett and threw her arm around his shoulders trying to comfort him. “Dean wouldn’t even have a fighting chance if it weren’t for you leaping here. If anything, you gave us time to save him.”

“And Bobby’s right about demons,” Sam confirmed. “They like to mess with you. Plus, the Powers usually protect their champions. Unfortunately it is not always in ways we would expect.”

“Seriously, don’t worry," Dawn said. "Future-me is out there protecting Dean and nothing will happen to you because nothing will happen to him. No sweat.”

Sam bumped shoulders with Beckett from the other side. “She’s right. You have three of the most ferocious women on the planet watching your back. Four if you count Dawn twice.” Sam exchanged a small smile with Dawn. “I trust her with my brother’s life.”

Sam Beckett didn’t say anything, just sat there feeling the closeness of his new friends. He hoped Willow and Faith were as good as Dawn said or else he was bound for hell. At least, he thought ruefully, he’d have Dean for company.

Chapter Title: “Renegade” by Styx

Chapter 11

btvs, dawn summers, dean winchester, quantum leap, sam beckett, supernatural, sam winchester, my fic, al calavicci, bobby singer

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