Days of Future Passed (4/4) - HL/SPN/Smallville

Aug 27, 2010 09:47

Title: Days of Future Passed (4/4)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Divas_lament
Written for: spawnfic_tues
Rated: PG - Language
Fandoms: Supernatural, Smallville & Highlander: The Great Spawn Crossover AU
Pairings/Characters: Dean Winchester, JD Winchester(OC), Chloe Sullivan, Duncan MacLoed and Richie Ryan and Holly Winchester(OC). Chloe/Dean
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. JD is mine. Holly belongs to Divas_lament and this version of Chloe was created by pen37

Summary: An accident with the mirror sends JD someplace wonderful, but the day has come to an end

A/N1: Other spawn adventures in the The Great Spawn Crossover AU can be found here.

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4

Days of Future Passed: Nights in White Satin

Gazing at people, some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going through they can't understand.
Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be, you will be in the end.

And I love you, yes I love you...

- Nights in White Satin, The Moody Blues

Chloe had to bite back a laugh as she walked back to the Impala with JD. He'd managed to angrily kick every stone in their path as he stomped his way from town. It was like taking a walk with a petulant five-year-old.

"I don't understand why I couldn't finish the hunt with them," JD groused for the fiftieth time. "I'm the one who figured it out. You'd think I'd earned the right to kill the damn thing."

Chloe had stayed silent, letting JD vent his anger about his exclusion, but enough was enough. "JD?" He looked at her expectantly, maybe hoping she'd let him go back, " Bì zuǐ!

"But Chloe…"

"But nothing. You know it's too big of a risk. We have to send you back to your time and to do that you kind of have to be alive."

"I know that logically you're right." He drew to a stop as they reached the ship. "Doesn't mean I have to like it."

Chloe pulled out the device which lowered the access ramp. "No, you don't." She walked up the incline with JD trailing behind. "But I'd really appreciate it if you were in a better mood once the boys get back. I am going to have to be the one dealing with them after you're gone."

JD nodded. "Sorry, Chloe. I kind of lost sight of the bigger picture." JD stepped a little closer to her and reached out to pat her on the arm. Without hesitating she drew him into a hug sensing that's what he was offering. "And who gets to comfort you when you're devastated by my leaving," JD joked trying to lighten the moment from turning more emotional.

"I'll manage." Chloe laughed. "I never really liked you much anyway."

"I always suspected as much." JD chuckled.

Chloe smacked him on the arm. "Why don't you go get changed before this turns into a real chick flick moment that you'll regret?"

JD headed up the steps, but paused. “I love you, too, Aunt Chloe,” he called down, and before she had a chance to respond he disappeared from sight.

Damn! I'm going to miss him, Chloe thought as she wiped a hand across her eyes. She snuffled back tears and refused to let herself give into her emotions. She crossed the cargo bay and opened a secret compartment that she'd installed years ago for just this day. Pulling out the case inside, she opened it to reveal a metal glove attached to a power cell.

When JD and Holly had first told her of this little misadventure, she'd designed this glove. Only when the day of his arrival drew near did she actually begin to build the thing. JD had left out a lot of pertinent details about just why she was the one who'd be in a position to send him back. Looking back over the twists her life had taken, she was glad she hadn't pushed him to answer too many questions and had just accepted that she needed to be ready.

"Hey Chloe!" She looked up to see that JD had changed back into his t-shirt and jeans. "There's an angry beeping noise coming from the cockpit and - Hey is that the thing that's gonna send me back?"

"Yes, it is." She laid the device back into its container before heading up the steps to join him. "As for the beeping, that's futuristic voicemail."

Other than Methos and the occasional video postcard from Amanda, not many people left them messages. She walked into the cockpit and was about to shut the door when JD scooted in behind her. She opened her mouth, but JD had already raised a hand.

"I'm curious and I'm not leaving."

Chloe shrugged, she didn't see the harm in letting him see a message from any of their Immortal friends. She seated herself in the pilot's chair.

She was about to press the playback button when an alert flashed indicating that there was an incoming message. When she saw who it was from she groaned and wished she had sent JD away. Too late now "Stay by the door and don't say a word," she commanded and JD obeyed.

Chloe touched the screen and the visage of a middle-aged bearded brunette man came on the screen. "Joseph, what's up?"

"Chloe! Thank goodness. I've been trying to reach you all day. We need you all to return to headquarters immediately."

"No can do. The boys are out hunting."

"Then get them back to the ship. We'll send another team to finish up."

"You know Dean won't like interrupting a hunt. Plus, being summoned by the council just irritates him."

"I don't really care. Tie Uncle Dean to a chair if you have to, but come quickly. This is big and it's best handled by you Immortal types."

"Uncle Dean!" JD hissed. "Chloe, who is this guy?"

Chloe waved a hand at JD to shut him up. "Is there someone else there?" Joseph asked.

"No. I'll do my best to get them moving." She cut off any more questions with a hurried, "See you soon," and disconnected the link.

"Who was that guy?" JD repeated.

Chloe ignored the question as she stood to leave the cockpit. "Why don't you help me get the mirror set up?"

"Chloe," JD pushed. "What's the council and why did he say 'Uncle' Dean?"

"We should get things ready for when the others return." She knew it wasn't fair to keep ignoring his questions, but she wasn't about to give him the entire Winchester family history. Chloe walked past JD, hurried down the hall and back down into the cargo bay; JD following silently the entire way.

Opening the floor hatch, she said, "Help me set this up over there." She pointed to the corner where she'd pulled the glove from the wall and had set up her work station.

"You're not going to tell me,"

"Spoilers, JD."

"Fine. I'll stop asking, but I thought I was going to be able to hang around for more than a day."

"I'd love for you to stay, you know that. We all would, but - "

"You can't take me wherever it is you've been summoned to go."

"You're not as dumb as you look," Chloe chuckled. "You're right. Taking you along would be complicated and dangerous, if Joseph's level of panic is any indication as to what's going on."

"Well, at least I got one day to see what the future is like." He jumped into the cargo hold and began to release the straps that held the mirror in place. Looking back up at her, he smiled. "It's been Zhēn bang."

Chloe laughed as she reached down to grab the mirror frame, helping him hoist it onto her level. " Zhēn bang doesn't begin to describe it."

She was very grateful that JD was being so accommodating because telling Dean that his nephew Joseph Winchester, head of the Hunter/Watcher council, was 'summoning' them to a meeting was not going to be Zhēn bang at all.


The door to the cargo bay had barely touched the ground before JD was bounding down the ramp.

"Well? How did it go?"

Dean smiled at his nephew's enthusiasm. "One crispy fried changeling to go."

" Zhēn bang!" Catching sight of the charred sleeve on Richie's uniform, JD frowned. "What happened to you?"

"Dean is not as accurate with a flamethrower as he'd like to think," Richie groused as he tugged at the tattered sleeve.

"Nobody told you to stand right behind her." Dean snickered.

"If some people had better aim, I wouldn't have ended up charred."

"She was a quick wong ba duhn. Wasn't my fault."

"You're such a pyro. I think you lit me up on purpose. You could have killed me!"

Dean snorted. "Wouldn't have been the first time."

"Guys, do you have to do this every time?" Duncan asked.

"Yes!" They both answered.

Duncan shook his head. "Five hundred years and it's always the same post hunt go se."

"Doesn't mean it isn't entertaining," JD laughed.

"I suppose it is," Duncan chuckled.

"I'm glad that everyone finds my near death experiences hilarious."

"Suck it up, Richie," Dean smirked. "Now, let's get some food. I'm starving."

Richie sighed. "And it's my turn to cook, too."

"Then get to it." Dean indicated the other Immortal should get moving.

Richie and Duncan headed into the cargo bay while Dean threw an arm around JD's shoulders. "After dinner, I thought we could head to this planet, Múspell. It has this one bar where the women…" Dean stopped as he caught sight of Chloe heading toward them. "We'll talk about this later," he whispered.

Chloe folded herself into Dean's arms for a hug and a quick kiss. "I see you managed to almost kill Richie again."

Dean released her. "It's a hobby."

"Uncle Dean wants to take me to visit some other planets," JD told her.

Dean noticed a look pass between them. "JD, I don't think that's a good idea," she said tightly.

"Hey, Chloe," Richie called from the cargo bay. "Why have you got the mirror set up here? It's not secured and when we take off, it could break."

"Because we have to send JD back today."

Dean noticed that she specifically avoided looking at him as she headed back into the bay. He caught her arm and spun her back to face him. "I thought we all," he gestured toward Duncan and Richie, "decided a few days would be ok. Why the sudden desire to get rid of him?"

"I'm not trying to get rid of him. I don't want him to leave any more than you do, but we can't take chances with the timeline."

" Ni ta ma de the gorram timeline!" Dean snapped. "I say he stays."

"UD, she's right. I should go."

Dean stared at JD. "I thought that you wanted to stay a few days."

"Hell yes, but it's going to just get harder for me to go every day I stay. Besides," he glanced at Chloe who nodded for him to continue, "you've been called to headquarters and I can't go along."

"Headquarters?" Duncan asked coming to stand beside JD.

"Joseph has demanded our return to the capitol," Chloe said. "He was adamant."

"Who the hell does he think he is commanding us to do anything?" Dean snapped.

"Little fay-fay duh pee-yen," Duncan added.

"Hey, that's my nephew you're insulting," Dean said and then smirked. "But then you're not wrong."

"You said we'd go - now?" Richie asked as he gestured toward JD indicating he wasn't keen on sending their guest home just yet either.

"Guys!" Chloe waved her hands at them. " Bì zuǐ! JD is standing right here and I don't think we should be talking about this."

"It's okay Chloe," JD said. "I'm not stupid. I figured out that this Joseph is a Winchester descendant and that headquarters is the Watcher council, in whatever form it takes today."

"I always knew you had brains behind that ego," Chloe laughed.

"Thanks so much." JD rolled his eyes. "But I do have one question. This Joseph…he's not one of mine is he? Because I'm not sure I'd like to claim a great 'times ten generations' grandkid that you guys can't stand."

"No, JD," Chloe assured him. "He's not one of yours and before you ask, don't; because, I'm not telling you who he belongs to."

"Still doesn't mean JD has to go home now," Dean said. "Let Joey wait. And for the record," Dean leaned in close to JD, "He's Jimmy's. Your descendants never pissed me off this much."

JD sniggered. "Good to know."

"Dean, Guys," Chloe began trying to get them back on point. "Joseph left half a dozen messages and was frantic by the time I finally talked with him. I think we need to take this seriously. As much as we hate to admit it, we need the council's resources as much as any hunter out there."

"If you think it's necessary," Richie said coming to support Chloe. "I guess I'm with you."

"Suck up," Dean quipped.

"Nah, I just enjoy watching you drive Joseph and his council stooges over the edge."

"That entertaining?" JD asked.

Richie made the sound of a bomb going off and moved his hands to simulate an explosion.

"I say we go to Múspell, tour JD around and in a week or so we show up on Joseph's doorstep," Dean said. He wasn't about to give up the chance to spend more time with JD. He couldn't stand the idea of letting him go so soon.

"Gou huang tang," Duncan said. "We go. Chloe's right. We still need to work with the council."

"So I am leaving today then?"

Duncan clapped a hand on JD's shoulder. "I'm afraid so, kid. I'd hate to see something happen to you or that mirror and we can't risk taking you with us." Duncan pulled JD into a hug and whispered. "It was great to see you again." Upon releasing him, Duncan gave him a sad smile.

"Great to see you to," JD said as he stepped back.

Duncan nodded and pointed over his shoulder. "I'll just go get this boat into the black." Without another word he left, climbing the stairs to the upper level and disappearing down the corridor.

"He never was one for emotional goodbyes," Richie said.

"Guess after almost one thousand years it's hard to keep saying goodbye," JD agreed.

"You have no idea."


Logically, JD understood that he needed to go, but he was sorry he'd gotten to spend so little time with them. It wasn't the emotional goodbye for him, not really, that he suspected it would be for the Immortals. He would walk through the mirror and they'd be there - again - sort of.

Standing here, waiting to disappear into the past, he finally understood the curse of Immortality. Sure they had each other, but year after year they'd watched loved ones die. JD's appearance through the mirror had upset the acceptance of that and he felt guilty that he had to leave them after stirring up all the memories of five hundred years ago.

He stood next to Dean as they watched Chloe fiddle with the metal glove device. Richie had disappeared about five minutes ago promising he'd be right back.

The sound of boots on the metal steps leading from the second floor signaled his uncle's return.

"You really had to go change clothes, now?" JD asked.

"Yeah, I may heal, but the charred shirt doesn't and it was starting to itch. Plus, you asked for this." Smiling he handed JD a piece of, what looked like, rolled plastic. "The list of my favorite Chinese expletives."

"Cool paper," JD said as he unrolled it partway and began laughing at the first phrase on the list. "He chu…He chu-sheng …"

"He chu-sheng za-jiao de zang-huo." Richie corrected his pronunciation. "That's a good one."

"When would you ever say that?"

"Believe me, it's always appropriate."

"I'll try to work it into casual conversation," JD snickered as he carefully tucked the list into the pocket of his jacket. "Thanks, Uncle Richie. I…"

Before JD could finish Richie grabbed him and pulled him into a fierce hug. "I'm going to miss you." He snuffled and JD could feel wetness seeping onto his neck, but didn't say a word. "And you can think I'm a big girl, but I have something I need to say. I love you, JD. Like you were my own blood. And I just thought you should know."

Richie broke the hug and pulled out a rag to wipe his eyes. JD could feel the tears building in his own. Damn. It was going to be tougher than he thought to say goodbye. "I love you too, Uncle Richie. You're family. Always."

Richie nodded. "Tell you brothers and sister, too. You know, how much they all mean to me."

"I will," JD embraced his uncle again. "I know they all feel the same way I do."

"If you two are done blubbering like big girls," Dean said. "I think this thing is ready."

JD patted Richie on the back as they broke their embrace before addressing Dean. "Sometimes, UD, it's ok to cry."

"He does it more than you'd think," Chloe said as she stepped up to take her turn with JD.

"I know he does."

"Thank you," she said her voice cracking as she hugged him.

"For what?"

"For trusting me with this story." The tears were flowing freely down her cheeks as she looked up at him. "For coming to find me in Metropolis with Holly."

"I'm really glad I found you too." JD grabbed her hand as she swiped at the wet spot she'd left on his shirt.

"Sorry about that."

"It's ok," he laughed. "I wish I didn't have to go."

She nodded. "I will miss you. More than I can effectively articulate."

JD smiled. "Wow. The writer at a loss for words. I'm touched." He squeezed the hand he'd been holding before releasing it.

"Let's get this show on the road." Dean said, with false bravado. "We've got places to go, monsters to kill."

"I'll miss you too, UD." JD knew his uncle hated to give into sentiment. Strangely, JD wished he would. He wanted that moment with his uncle, but he wasn't going to push him into an emotional goodbye, if Dean didn't want one.

Dean waved at hand at the mirror. "So how's this gonna work?"

Chloe had regained some of her composure and she slipped the glove on her hand. "Turn the dial to Holly's world."

"Why Holly's?" Richie asked.

JD smiled as he realized what had to happen. "Can't dial my own phone number."

Chloe nodded. "If this works, you should wind up in Holly's 'verse in your time. All you have to do is step back home after that."

"If? What do you mean if?" Dean asked.

"Well, I mean it worked the first time and this was the instructions I was given, but something could still go wrong."

"Way to build my confidence in you, Chloe." JD laughed and pulled the dial he'd brought with him out of his jacket pocket.

The future version of Holly's verse came into view. The mirror appeared to be in some sort of storage room with only faint emergency lighting casting an eerie gloom over the room.

"How do we know that's the right place?" Dean asked. "I'm not about to let him go off to some alternate world with no way to get back."

Chloe placed a hand on Dean's arm. "It's ok. This is how it works. JD won't ever actually go there. Once I zap the mirror it should jump back in time and connect to the mirror that's in Holly's room in the past."

"You keep saying 'should' and 'if'. I'm not liking that at all."

It seemed Dean wasn't about to admit he was going to miss JD. Instead he was going to growl about all the other things happening while avoiding what was really bothering him. JD just wished that his Uncle would stop being so stubborn.

"It'll be fine, UD," JD said and waited a beat to see if Dean was at least going to give him a hug, but Dean refused to even look directly at him.

"Safe trip, kid," he said.

JD wasn't sure what to do, but he found that he was feeling kinda hurt that Dean couldn't muster up a descent goodbye. He sighed and turned to Chloe. "You ready?"

She powered up the glove. "Say the word."

JD hesitated. Fuck it! He wasn't about to go back through the mirror without telling the most important person, after his parents of course, exactly how he felt. He was having his goodbye moment whether Dean wanted to participate or not.

"Hold on a second." He powered off the dial and handed it to Richie.

Without giving his uncle a chance to step away, JD grabbed Dean and hugged the startled man for all he was worth. "UD, I love you and I can't leave without telling you how I feel."

Dean hesitated before he returned the embrace and JD could feel his uncle shaking as he held him close.

"You mean more to me than I can ever tell you," JD continued when he sensed that Dean wasn't ready to speak. "I loved all the time we've spent together, will spend together and I think I'm going to tell you so when I get back."

Dean pulled back slightly careful not to break contact. "You do that. I'll probably call you a big girl, but please," a sad smile tweaked at his lips, "do it anyway." Dean rested one hand on the curve of JD's neck; a gesture that was so comforting and familiar. "I love you, JD," Dean squeezed his neck a bit to emphasize the emotion. "You know I do. You may have been Sam's, but I never believed that. You were mine. My son from the day you were born."

"I knew I was always the favorite," JD chuckled trying to lighten the mood, but it seemed now that Dean had started he wasn't ready to stop. His uncle was really crying now and his voice was cracking, but he didn't seem to care any more.

"Damn straight, you are. I miss you more than anyone, except - "

"Except Dad." JD finished.

Dean nodded. "I lost it when Sam -" He shuddered to rid himself of the bad memory. "Do me a favor?"

"Sure, UD, anything." JD had stopped fighting his own emotions and let the tears slip down his face. At that moment if Dean asked him to stay, he'd never be able to go.

"You tell him about us; about this adventure. That we're still fighting the good fight and tell him I still miss him and that I love him. You promise me. You'll tell him."

"I will. I swear."

Dean pulled him back close as they gave into the emotion letting it wash over them. The moments clicked by, but JD felt like he never wanted to let go. There was additional pressure from both sides and he realized that Richie and Chloe had turned it into a group hug.

It seemed that was all Dean needed to break from the moment. He stepped back, surreptitiously wiping his eyes clear. The others straightened. Chloe grabbed Dean's hand and rubbed her other down Richie's arm. JD looked from one to the next and just started smiling. He could go back now, knowing that they'd be there for each other after he was gone.

Dean cleared his throat. "Ok, Chloe, zap that mirror with the 1.21 gigawatts so we can send JD back to the past where he belongs."


JD stumbled through the mirror into Holly's bedroom. He immediately steadied his footing and whipped around to look at the mirror, but it had already gone dark.

"Damn." JD stood in the semi-darkness of the bedroom, hands on hips willing the mirror to show him one more glimpse of those he'd left behind. Exhaling deeply he tried to control the emotions that were coursing through him from the difficult goodbyes.

Glancing out of the window, JD could see that the sun had set. According to the clock on Holly’s bedside table, he'd only been gone a few hours, but he'd spent almost a full day in the future. He didn't think he'd ever understand how time travel worked; especially when using a supernatural mirror. He doubted anyone ever would.

Shit, shit, shit he thought suddenly. What if it wasn't the day he had left? He shook his head. Chloe would have told him if he'd been missing for days - hopefully.

He had to get back to his 'verse. JD had wanted to talk to Holly; tell her about his adventure. He would need her help so that Chloe could design the glove that would eventually send him home, but from the silence in the house, he was pretty sure she wasn't around. That meant she might still be at his apartment.

He turned the dial to his verse and as his room came into focus, JD let out the breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. He'd never been so happy to see his dirty laundry heaped on the floor.

Tentatively, he stepped through the mirror and smiled as he found himself back where he belonged. The room was empty, but he could hear his dad and Uncle Dean arguing as he headed out of his room and down the hall.

"Are we just supposed to sit here and hope that he comes back?" Sam shouted.

"We checked the universes we know he's visited before. What else can we do?" Dean asked.

"Check them all!"

"Sam," Chloe had joined the discussion. "There are too many. We just have to hope that wherever he is he gets back through the mirror."

"And what happens after seven days?" Silence greeted Sam's question.

"It's JD," Dean said, stunned as he caught sight of his nephew entering the living room.

"And what? Because it's JD, he doesn't need rescuing?"

"No." Dean grabbed Sam's arm and turned him around. "It's JD."

"Hey, everyone." JD gave a sheepish wave and then shoved his hands into the pocket of his jeans. "Guess I…Oomph." He let out a breath as his Dad engulfed him in a hug.

JD was tall, but he still felt small being hugged by his father. In a weird parallel of the scene he left behind in the future, JD was manhandled by Dean, Richie, and Chloe in quick succession.

Mule even hugged him and as JD hugged him back he reminded himself that he needed to be more appreciative of his brother. Only Holly hung back.

"It's ok, Hol. I swear I'm not mad or hurt."

She nodded and while she didn't hug him, she did quirk him a small smile. "I'm glad I didn't kill you," she said in attempted levity.

"Me too."

"Enough of the happy reunion," Sam snapped. "Where the hell have you been?"

JD rubbed the back of his head as he pretended to think about the story he'd already prepared. "How long have I been gone?"

"Almost three hours," Sam said. "What took you so long to get back?"

He shrugged. "I guess I must have blacked out or something, but once I'd realized I wasn't where I was supposed to be, I came back through."

"See Sam? Nothing bad happened. I told you not to worry," Dean said.

Sam ignored Dean as he felt the back of JD's head. "Do you have a headache? Maybe we should take you to the hospital; get your head examined."

"I've been saying that for years," Dean said and the others chuckled, even JD.

"You all think this is funny?" Sam glared at them. "He could have been killed or trapped or…"

JD shouldn't have been surprised at the level of emotion coming from his dad, but he was. "I'm ok. Really. No harm, no foul."

Sam threw an arm around his shoulders and said hesitantly, his voice almost cracking, "You scared me, JD. I thought…that you might be too injured to get home. That I'd never see you again."

"I'm sorry I scared you, but as you can see I'm fine."

Sam pulled back and ran a hand over his face to compose himself. "No more mirror jumping, JD. I mean it. That thing should be dismantled or destroyed. I don't care. This crazy hobby of cross-dimensional vacations has to stop."

"Dad, you can't do that." JD was panicking. He needed that mirror to stay in one piece. He glanced at his cousin. "What about Holly and the others? I can't just never see them again." He could go the indignant route and tell him that at he was old enough to make his own decisions, but JD didn't want to butt heads with his dad right now. He had to get Sam alone and explain the real story.

"It's my fault what happened. Don't punish JD because of what I did," Holly said.

"What happened was an accident and it just proves how dangerous this mirror is."

"Sam, you're overreacting," Dean interjected.

"Stay out of this, Dean. He's my son and I think I'm the one who gets to decide - "

"He's an adult!"

"Whoa! UD, Dad. Calm down!" JD stepped between them. After the day he'd had, JD was not about to let it end with the brothers fighting. "Dad, you and me. We can figure this out, just not right now. Ok?"

Dean gave JD his support with a glance and JD was grateful that his uncle was pulling out of the discussion.

Sam deflated. "Right. Of course. It's been a stressful day."

"Why don't I get Holly home so we can talk about this in private?" JD glanced at Holly, silently promising her that he would fix this.

"I know I really don't have a say here, but please, if you do decide to shut down the mirror, could you at least let JD and Mule come say goodbye?"

"Of course, Holly," Sam conceded.

Dean clapped his hands together drawing their attention to him and dispelling the remaining tension in the room. "Well, I think that's our cue," he pointed to Richie and Chloe, "to take off."

"Dean?" Sam implored.

"Whatever your play is, I'll back it, Sammy. You know that," Dean said as he led the other Immortals to the door.

JD followed them, saying their goodbyes and getting one final hug from Chloe before she and Richie disappeared out the door. Dean paused and turning back to his nephew, he placed a hand on JD's neck. JD almost lost it as the action was identical to the one future Dean had performed.

"Glad you're back, JD," Dean said, he then released the grip and smacked the side of JD's head. "Don't do that again."

"I don't plan too," JD quipped and with a satisfied nod, Dean left the apartment.

JD sagged against the closed door relieved the Immortals were finally gone. He'd have to get with Chloe tomorrow. He needed her and Holly to work on that glove design, which meant he couldn't let his dad take possession of the mirror tonight.

"So, Hol, you ready to go home?" JD asked.

She nodded and then looked up at Sam. "I'm really sorry."

"Take care of yourself," Sam said and Holly didn't hesitate to give him a quick hug before following JD down the hall and into the bedroom.

"JD, I'm so sorry."

"Will you stop saying that?"

"But - "

JD waved a hand at her. "Listen and don't interrupt. I know how hard that is for you,"

"Very - "


Holly mocked locking her mouth and throwing away the key to indicate that she was ready to be silent.

"I had the best adventure ever, thanks to you," he held up a hand when she opened her mouth again. "No, I don't have time to tell you about it now, and it will have to be our secret, well at least secret from the uncles. I'll swing through tomorrow and give you all the details."

"Can I speak now?" when JD nodded she continued. "You can't just drop a bomb like this and expect me to leave now. Where were you really? What happened? Why can't we tell anyone? I want all the details now!"

"Did you know you voice gets a really annoying pitch to it when you whine?"

She smacked him on the arm. He smiled when he realized she didn't use any of her juice to make it sting. It seemed something else good had come from his little misadventure. "Tell me!" she pleaded.

"Tomorrow. I promise! Now go." He pointed to the mirror which he'd tuned to her 'verse.

"Please!" she pouted and waited.

"You don't seriously think that will work on me, do you? You're not MJ."

She cocked a smile at him. "It was worth a try. I'll go, but you should know that I won't get any sleep tonight."

"Threats of morning crankiness won't work either."

Sighing, she knew when she had been beaten. "Tomorrow then," she said before stepping through the mirror. They stopped to wave at each other and JD was very grateful for their little ritual. He turned the mirror off and went back to face his dad.


He walked back into the living room to see his dad and little brother sitting quietly on the couch. JD realized that Mule must have been pretty wrecked too, based on his willingness to hug JD, in public no less.

He supposed that Mule deserved to know the true story, too.

As JD sat down on the other couch, Sam asked again, "Are you really ok?"

"Dad, I have something to tell you and you're not going to believe me, but you have to."

Sam and Mule both sat up straighter. "What's going on?"

"I - Well, when I - " JD struggled with exactly what he wanted to say. "I wasn't where I said I was. I was someplace better - someplace fantastic." He was getting excited as he thought about the amazing day he'd had and what he was about to share.

Sam frowned. "I don't understand. Why did you lie? Where were you?"

"He probably met up with some alternate version of himself -"

"Nope," He interrupted Mule. "I was in the future."

"Pull the other one, JD," Mule scoffed.

"I was five hundred years in the future on Uncle Dean's space ship, the Impala XII. Yep, he still calls his ride the Impala." JD was on a roll. He had so much to say he felt like he was barely stopping to breathe. "Richie, Chloe and Mac were there. They were all alive and together. I lied earlier because we can never tell the uncles I was there. Chloe says it might mess up the timeline and that's why you can't shut down the mirror, Dad. I'll need it to get back from the future."

"How hard did you hit your head?" Sam asked.

"No listen! I was really there. I went on a hunt on another planet. Another planet! Well ok, it was a moon, but we killed a changeling and - " He watched as his dad and brother exchanged sad glances, indicating that they thought he was talking nonsense.

Sam stood up. "Sammy, pull the car around. We're taking JD to the hospital."

"I'm not crazy."

"That's what crazy people always say," Mule reminded him.

"Sane people too!" But for a moment JD worried that maybe he had had some weird 'Wizard of Oz' experience. It really happened. I know it did. He crossed his arms and placed a thumb to his lips as he thought about how he could prove it. And that's when he felt the bulge in his jacket. Thank you, Uncle Richie.

"Please, son. Don't fight this. You've obviously hit your head very hard."

JD reached into his pocket and pulled out the plastic roll that Richie had given him. "If I'm making this up, how do you explain this?"

Sam took the film and ran a finger along its length. Mule and JD both stood to flank their father as he examined the scroll.

"I have no idea what this is made of. Where did you get it?"

"Uncle Richie gave it to me. That is, future Uncle Richie gave it to me."

Sam unrolled a bit of the film. "Is this written in Chinese?"

JD nodded, a smug grin on his face as his father read down the list of popular Chinese expletives that Richie had made. "In the future, Chinese culture is pretty dominant. I couldn't believe it when I heard UD cursing in Chinese, he barely speaks Latin well."

"That would be something." Sam said distractedly. As he unrolled the last bit of film, he gasped. "It's true."

"Told you! I told you, I was telling the truth. You know Richie doesn't speak Chinese and that is definitely his handwriting."

"JD, did you read this last part?"

"No why?" JD looked at the bottom of the page where his dad was pointing. Richie had added a note.

Hey JD,
I wrote this on some fancy film with a nifty kind of 'ink' that 
they don't make in your time. I figured you might need some
proof that you were with us in the future.  Take care of yourself.
Uncle Richie

"Future Uncle Richie, you rock!" JD cheered. "Now do you believe me?"

Mule plopped down on to the couch. "You lucky son of a bitch."

"I'll take that as a yes," JD laughed and took the list from his dad and checking it he corrected Mule, "For the record its: You lucky wong ba duhn.

"In any language, I'm still jealous."

JD sat down next to his brother. "I really wish you could have been there with me. I mean it," JD added at Mule's skeptical look. "The whole trip was Zhēn bang - Awesome."

Sam sat down across from his sons. "So you were really in the future…"

"In space," JD added when his dad hesitated.

"In space, with Richie, Chloe, Mac and...Dean."

"I was and, Dad, Uncle Dean says he misses you and that he loves you very much."

Sam smiled as he leaned back. "Tell me everything."

Some helpful Firefly Slang:
Gorram - Goddam
Ai ya - Damn
Tsai boo shr - No way!
tsway-niou - Bullshit
Zhēn bang - Awesome
Dong ma - Understand
Tyen-sah duh UH-muo. - Goddamn monsters
FAY-FAY duh PEE-yen - Baboon's asscrack
Bì zuǐ - Shut up
Fong luh. - Loopy in the head.
boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh - not entirely sane
Wong Ba Duhn - Son of a Bitch
Gou huang tang - Enough:
He chu-sheng za-jiao de zang-huo - Filthy fornicators of livestock
Ni ta ma de - Fuck

richie ryan, immortal!dean, apoca!spawn, dean winchester, duncan macleod, spawnfic, holly winchester, chloe sullivan, jd winchester (oc)

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