Days of Future Passed (2/4) - SPN/Smallville/HL

Aug 11, 2010 17:33

The first part of this story was posted ages ago for fonapola. Good news! It's (almost) finished now. I'm a day late for spawnfic_tues but I'm not waiting until next week to post. The muse has been too fickle to risk upsetting her.

Title: Days of Future Passed (2/4)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: fonapola
Written for: spawnfic_tues
Rated: PG - Language
Fandoms: Supernatural, Smallville & Highlander: The Great Spawn Crossover AU
Pairings/Characters: Dean and JD Winchester, Chloe Sullivan, Duncan MacLoed & Richie Ryan. Chloe/Dean

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. JD is mine.

Summary: An accident with the mirror sends JD someplace unexpected and he's determined to have fun while he's there.

A/N1: Other spawn adventures in the Apoca!Spawn Universe can be found here.

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4

Days of Future Passed: Forever Afternoon

I'm looking at myself
Reflections of my mind
It's just the kind of day
To leave myself behind

- Forever Afternoon, The Moody Blues

JD smoothed down the front of the strange blue uniform that Dean had given him. "Who are we supposed to be again?"

"The gorram Alliance," Dean spat as he fiddled with his own version of the uniform. It was clear he had no love for the people they were impersonating.

"Like the FBI for the galaxy?" JD smiled at the idea that even five hundred years in the future, they were still playing dress up.

"Yes, and no," Dean said, sadly. "The Alliance operates without any democratic principles to balance their power. I'd take the FBI over these douches any day."

"So… what… this Alliance is like a big bad Galactic Empire with its own version of Darth Vadar?"

"Pretty much." Dean handed JD a goofy blue hat. "Same stupid uniforms, too."

JD eyed the cap. "You seriously don't expect me to wear this?"

Dean glared at him as he placed his own cap on his head and JD couldn't help but laugh at how wrong his uncle looked in the nerdy outfit.

"You keep that up and you can stay on the Impala. You think I like dressing like this?" JD suspected there was more to it then a simple dislike of the uniform making Dean cranky.

"No, I'll wear it." He put the hat on. "How do I look?"

"Like a government asshole," Dean smirked. "Now, let's go before I change my mind about you participating in this hunt." He put a hand on the back of JD's neck and guided him out of the bunk

They met up with Chloe, Richie and Duncan in the cargo bay. They too were wearing various Alliance uniforms and they all looked equally uncomfortable.

"How come I have to be the grunt this time?" Richie groused as he placed a helmet on his head.

"Because JD is wearing the extra officer uniform," Dean explained.

"After a few hours in this get up I can understand why alliance soldiers are all assholes." Richie yanked at the straps on the bulky vest trying to find a way to make it more comfortable.

"If this Alliance is so bad, why doesn't some one do something about it?" JD asked.

"We tried," Richie said.

"Tried? What does that mean?" JD wasn't getting many answers to his questions, but that wasn't going to stop him from asking . Eventually he hoped they'd let more information slip about the future. "UD said these guys are like the evil galactic empire in Star Wars. So did that make you guys part of the rebel alliance?"

Richie laughed. "We didn't consider ourselves rebels."

"Speak for yourself, Richie. I am definitely Han Solo," Dean reached for Chloe, "and you're my Princess Lei-a." He drawled the name out with a gleam in his eye.

"Ok Han, save it for later." Chloe playfully pushed Dean away to address JD. "I really don't think you need a history lesson about our military activities."

"But… "

"Chloe is right." Duncan said cutting JD's protest off in mid-sentence. "We have a hunt and you already know too much about the future."

JD nodded. "I get it. You can't share the details of some galactic war." He had so many questions and it was killing him how secretive they were being. Still, he was getting to hunt with them on another planet. All in all it was a fair trade off. "So, what's our big bad?"

"We aren't sure yet," Duncan said. "Chloe, Richie, let's run down what we know again."

"Sure." She pulled out a hand held device that looked like a PDA, but JD suspected it was much more sophisticated and he was also sure she wasn't going to let him touch it. "There've been several mysterious accidents," Chloe said. "The kind of incidents that individually wouldn't mean much, but together they pinged the supernatural radar."

JD wondered if there actually was supernatural radar in the future, but he didn't bother to ask because he knew they wouldn't tell him if something like that existed.

Richie picked up the exposition. "All of the victims were married men, so it could be some kind of siren picking them off. Beyond the fact that they all lived at the ass end of the galaxy, I don't see much tying these guys together."

"That just means we have a little leg work to do." Duncan said. "Chloe and I will take the morgue. See if we can find anything on the bodies that identifies our killer. You three start interviewing the families."

JD knew he should be paying better attention to the exposition, but he just couldn't focus on it and this part was always boring anyway. He was going to step onto another planet and he just couldn't wait to see what was out side. He kept glancing over his shoulder at the bay doors waiting for the chance to leave the ship and breathe air on another world.

"Hey!" Dean snapped fingers in front of his face. "You paying attention?"

"Yes! Of course I am." JD tried to cover for the fact that he actually hadn't been paying attention with a little bravado. "I've hunted before. I think I can handle it."

"Just focus," Dean said. "This isn't some small town in Nebraska. Dong ma?"

"You're doing that Chinese thing again, UD." JD laughed.

"You know what I mean."

"Let's get him off the ship," Richie said as he walked over to release the hatch locks. "He won't be any good until he gets to set foot on the moon."

The ramp lowered and as soon as Dean nodded that it was safe, JD rushed out. The landscape was barren: a few scraggly trees and a lots of sand. In the distance, he could see the buildings of the town. It reminded JD of Arizona or New Mexico. He stood soaking up the rays of an alien sun and couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm really on another planet."

"Moon," Chloe corrected and pointed to the outline of the gas giant in sky at the edge of the far horizon. "We're actually orbiting that planet."

"Right, moon," He repeated with awe in his voice as he studied the sky. "Hey, how do you say awesome in Chinese?"

"Zhēn bang," Chloe smiled. "But I'll leave it to Dean to fill you in on all the inappropriate slang before you leave."

"Zhēn bang!" As he turned to take in the rest of the landscape, he also got his first look at the outside of the ship; it's silver hull gleamed in the sunshine. 'The Impala XII' was emblazoned on the side in ten foot high lettering and bisected by a lightening bolt giving the logo the appearance of an AC/DC album cover. He chuckled; his uncle was nothing if not predictable.

Dean walked over and clamped a hand on his shoulder. "You ready for this?"

"I was born ready."

Dean rolled his eyes as he placed a gun and holster into JD's hand. "Then you think you can figure out what to do with one of these?"

JD examined the futuristic weapon and smiled. Guns really hadn't changed much in five hundred years. Wrapping the belt around his waist, he settled the weapon onto his hip. "What kind of ammo’s in this thing?"

"For now, consecrated iron. Richie has salt in his rifle and I've got silver rounds and other alternatives in the bag." Dean indicated the satchel he had slung over his shoulder. "That gun will fire just about anything you can think of."

JD pulled the gun out to check the rounds. He wasn't exactly sure what he was looking at. "Those are bullets?"

Dean clapped a hand over the gun. "Just point and shoot; it's best you don't worry about the details."

JD sighed. "Fine." Denied again! He wasn't used to being cut off just when things got interesting. He twirled the gun with a flourish and slapped it back into its holder. "I'm ready. Let's do this." Game face on, JD followed the others as they set out for the walk toward town.


Dean walked next to Chloe, watching JD as he chatted with Duncan and Richie ahead of him.

"Whatcha thinking?" Chloe asked even though she was pretty sure she knew the answer to her question.

Dean grasped her hand as they hiked along. "He's so young. He has his whole life ahead of him. In a few days he's goes back to Sam and the family. I guess - " he sighed and shook his head.

Chloe nodded. "I know. It was a wonderful time in our lives."

"The best." He pulled her to a stop. "You think maybe he can send Sam through for a visit? You know just a quick 'hi how ya doin'. "

"Dean." Chloe sighed and placed her other hand on his chest. "Just enjoy this visit. I don't know about any others."

"Maybe you're wrong. Maybe Sam does come - "

"Stop." She didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but sometimes the reality of their Immortality was overwhelming and this was on of those times. She reached up to stroke his face and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I know. Katie was one of my best friends and MJ was like a daughter. I miss all of them too, but JD is here now. Let's be grateful we were given this gift." She gestured toward JD. "He's special and this time is special."

Dean chuckled. "Don't let him hear you call him special, he already thinks too much of himself."

"Do you two need a room?" JD called back. "Or are you joining us on this hunt?"

"Hey, smart mouth. I remember a few hunts where I had to separate you and your girl- oooph - " Dean let out a grunt as Chloe's elbow impacted his side. "What?"

She leaned into whisper; to soft for JD to overhear. "He doesn't meet Hannah for a few more years. So ixnay on the ifeway."

"Uh, right." Dean looked up to see JD staring at him wide-eyed; a hint of fear on his face.

"Why would I take my girlfriend on a hunt?" JD gulped. "Who is she?"

All the Immortals casually looked away from JD. "Come on, UD," JD walked up to him so he could stare him right in the face. "You can't drop that tidbit and just stop. Do I …um… marry this woman?"

Dean smirked and shrugged but didn't respond.

"I'll take that as a yes," JD said.

"JD, let it go," Duncan said softly from behind him. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to wait and be surprised."

JD spun around looking at each of them. "Oh come on. To hell with the stupid timeline, I need to know. You're telling me I get married and go off hunting with some woman."

"I never said that!" Dean protested.

"You didn't have to." JD began pacing as he contemplated the idea of this mystery woman. "No, this does not happen. I'm too young and good looking to settle down."

"He's a Winchester all right," Richie snarked.

"Do I have kids?" He examined the faces around him which were so desperately trying not to give anything away. "Oh my God, I do!" Suddenly, JD couldn't catch his breath; he felt like the world was reeling around him.

Immediately, Dean was by his side grasping his arm. "Just breathe, kid."

"I just never thought…" He took a deep breath and let it out. "I'm not the marrying kind, UD."

Dean smiled and looked past JD at Chloe. "You'd be surprised. I never thought I was either, but when it's right," he shrugged, "it makes sense."

JD studied his uncle's face before searching out Chloe's and seeing the affection they shared. "I guess it might not be so bad to have someone like Chloe in my life."

"You mackin' on my girl," Dean smacked him playfully on the back of the head. "That's just wrong; she's practically your aunt."

"What? No!" JD dropped his head into his hand. "Never mind. Forget I asked about any of this."

Chloe came up to him. "Now will you stop trying to find out about your future?"

"Yes, ma'am."


At the edge of town, Duncan stopped their group to give some final instructions. "JD, don't take any chances. Remember, the first rule of hunting…"

JD held up a hand to stop him. "Geez, Mac. I just took out a poltergeist with Richie last week. I think I know the rules."

"We did?" Richie brightened. "It's weird to think that just happened for you. Was it the one…"

"Doesn't matter," Dean interrupted. He held up is futuristic PDA and double checked the address. "Rich, JD, we're this way." He pointed north.

"We'll see you in a few hours then," Duncan said and headed east into town with Chloe.

Once they were out of sight, Dean looked back at JD. "Let me hear 'em."

Confusion crossed JD's face. "Hear what?"

Richie laughed. "I think he wants you to recite the rules."

"Uu uh. No way." JD waved a hand at Dean before walking off in the direction his uncle had indicated. "I haven't had to do that since I was thirteen." He stopped and turned around. "And frankly, I'm just a little insulted that you would even ask."

Dean walked up to JD and spun him back around as they continued forward. "Don't get you panties in a bunch. It has been awhile since we've had a mortal on a hunt."

JD smirked. "Then maybe you should tell me the rules."

"Don't press your luck."

Some helpful Firefly Slang:

Ai ya - Damn
Tsai boo shr - No way!
tsway-niou - Bullshit
Zhēn bang - Awesome
Dong ma - Understand
Tyen-sah duh UH-muo. - Goddamn monsters
FAY-FAY duh PEE-yen - Baboons asscrack
Bì zuǐ - Shut up
Fong luh. - Loopy in the head.
boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh - not entirely sane
Wong Ba Duhn: Son of a Bitch

richie ryan, immortal!dean, apoca!spawn, dean winchester, duncan macleod, sam(mule) winchester (oc), spawnfic, holly winchester, chloe sullivan, jd winchester (oc)

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