Hello! I'm normally a lurker and avid link-clicker, but I figured I'd throw some pictures up from a photoshoot I was able to take part in earlier this month. My friend Deven was the photographer, and the following photos are going into a calendar he has to put together for a class. :x Hope you enjoy.
A friend's father was kind enough to let us use his car for the shoot. ..Not quite the right time period, but it didn't matter for the class. >.>
Sir Bennington, the noble explorer, and myself. It had appeared that something had ..ricocheted.. into his ..undercarriage. /end bad joke.
Bennington had wonderful expressions. :D
The consultation!
This is Charles. Deven covered Charles' chest in smudges and made him hold a Coke bottle in naughty positions. ..I may or may not have helped with that idea.
Sir Bennington, the noble explorer, surveying land in a new frontier! (This dozer also belonged to our friend's father. Isn't it awesome? o_o)
The lovely Miss Brooke! This was taken at the Whipple Company Store, downstairs in their basement. They had a TON of old printing equipment, including the press Charles Manson used when he was printing his pamphlets. The owners let us shoot in there for free, and they were such big helps with the portion of the shoot in the store.
This was also taken in the Whipple Company Store. What Sir Bennington and I are standing on is the only hand-operated elevator still in use in the U.S. Riding on it was so awesome!
Sir Bennington after a hard day's.. explorations. Yes. This tub was also in the store's basement, right next to the elevator shaft and the presses.
Best "blooper" ever. We can thank our friend's dad for that one.
Most of the pieces were acquired at thrift stores or Gabe's.
Deven doesn't have these up on his DeviantArt yet, so you all get a sneak peek! If you're interested in his work (in general), give
his DA a visit.