A little calligraphy

Sep 07, 2009 00:42

Today was relaxing. Got up late, did a few chores, enjoyed a few tickle fests with the kids, and just kinda bummed around the house. This is needed, because I can feel that tickle in the back of the throat that warns of impending cold coming around (must take some zinc).

Since I was relaxed, I decided to put on my iPod on random, and tackle the scribal project, doing the first part of calligraphy - writing out the words of the scroll. Well, it went better than I had expected, but I still messed up on the poor guy's name and one word of his blazon. I think it is fixable once it is dried - with some light scraping and then smoothing out the roughed paper. At least I caught it before it was too late to put in the correct lines and letters. But still... it is not perfect, and in some ways having done that, the rest was a lot easier as I wasn't so tense about trying not to make the mistake. And if it isn't fixable, then I just get another piece of paper and do it all over again.

I didn't finish the calligraphy yet. I got the bulk of the text, and realized I had gone over my lines by one word, so in order to fit the king and queen's names, and the herald's long two-line title, I need the next nib size smaller, which means redoing the guidelines first. I think I will try to fix the mistakes first, then do the titles if that works out.

It was also nice to listen to music without much interruption - except when Bootsy kitty jumped on my back during setup and snagged her claw on my shirt - Ouch! I had to skip one song that threatened tears while in the middle of writing. I didn't know I had such a tear jerker on my list! Nice and relaxing. And now it is time to relax myself to sleep.

award scroll, calligraphy, scribe, personal, sca

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