My thought for the day.

Sep 05, 2009 23:21

There is something I realized this week, as various instances happened in my life, from things I watched on tv, to watching a friend slowly lose his father the past few months (which brought up a lot of my old memories and issues on losing my Mom).

What is it you live FOR?

It came to mind last night as I was falling asleep. It came from the end story of Babylon 5, when the captain is dying on Zha'ha'dum. The basic question is... what do you live for? There are many reasons to die, but what do you live for?

I live for my family, and for my friends, too. But my kids, my husband, they are mainly what I live for.

I may enjoy the costuming and research stuff I do, but if it comes down to things, those are just a good way to spend my time. But my family really do come first.

And that has shifted a bit of how I view my kids when they are whiney and annoy each other and us. I would not trade it for anything else, because they really do make my day, especially when we laugh. I must find more ways to laugh with them.

And everything else is just wonderful gravy to make living that much better.


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