Weekend was good, today not so much.

Jul 21, 2008 18:40

Weekend was laid back for a nice change.

Saturday was game night, and that went pretty nicely, and late into the night, too. My character will be shifting in personality a little, tho I am not sure exactly how. I just figured she's been to Heaven and got sent back to finish the quest, so that's going to change her perspective a bit. Thankfully after the late night, I got to sleep in on Sunday (normally I get first shift after game).

I could have gone early Sunday morning to our local A&S doing some fruit jam making (more canning? - tempting, but er, no thanks), but sleeping in was needed since I've had long nights not falling asleep and not getting enough sleep.

I spent Sunday doing some house cleanup, laundry, and then while M' was napping, I pulled out my calligraphy pens, some paper, rulers, Ames guide, pencil, inks, etc. and spent the afternoon, and after the kids went to bed in the evening, doing the last practice calligraphy piece for my first Kingdom scroll.

I am happy now with how it will set up for the actual piece, and I can make adjustments to my original design to give a little more room for the required signatures. I have found I prefer Tape nibs over Brause ones, as the ink seems to flow a little easier with the Tape nib. I also will have to give my hand a break halfway through the writing, as my hand cramping up made me write larger and larger. I am hoping I can tighten up my lettering a bit, as I tend to widen the letters more than I think they need to be. But it really looks better when using the recommended nib heights to create the letters.

I also did a little work in the yard yesterday evening, cleaning up some stray melon vines, hosing down white flies and aphids (more than the ladybugs can deal with easily), and doing the usual gardening stuff. I have to say that my tomatoes really look bad when they are being nibbled by unseen insects. We've also been removing extra limbs to be able to access the lower tomatoes hidden near the bottom of the vine, so they are looking sad. Next year, fewer vines, with full cages to support the bottom vines. And no bamboo poles. They don't do well in supporting the abundant Roma fruits. But the metal poles on the Early Girls are holding up well so far. In fact, the EGs are growing a little more, and spreading out with more upper vines and flowers. I was surprised considering the high temps recently.

Today has been painful. I started my period yesterday, and today as usual, my cramps are driving me to curl up and lay down on the couch even with pain meds. I am doing very little today, other than a bit of laundry. I need my banana!

I hope to get some energy to do some more much needed sewing room cleaning, so I can get working on other projects. My poor room ended up being storage for my stuff when I cleaned up for Cam's party. I need to either pitch them, sell them, or find homes for all that stuff, and that's going to take a bit of time. At least I can walk in there right now, from the work I did last week.

That's all for now.

gaming, garden, calligraphy, housework, personal

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