grrr... sick...

Jul 23, 2008 15:19

The past few days have been hard on me, as I have been sick (I think it is the stomach flu). Sick SAHMommies don't get to recover until saved by their loving husbands, as my loving c0demonkey came home a little early yesterday from work, and I promptly passed out for four hours of much needed sleep; which I think helped with my fever. Sadly, that long nap screwed up my sleep schedule, so I could not fall asleep last night until sometime around 6am (all I know is that the sun was coming up). So I am a bit sleep deprived now, and my stomach still can't seem to hold stuff down, so I am eating small portions at a time. But my stomach is still gurling at me.

The kids tho are distracted, as one of the neighbor girls has come over and they are all in the small pool. I can see them from where I am sitting in a/c comfort, so they should be fine. But I may end up going to the bathroom real quick again. {gurgle says my tummy}.

{time passed in bathroom}

Yeah, still not good. Another kids showed up while I was busy elsewhere. At least the kids are busy, and I can now lie down and rest a bit more - with that ever open ear, tho the kids are now on the play fort, and munching on crackers. Needless to say, I haven't been doing much lately, but lying down trying not to be sick. I am hoping this all passes (no pun intended) before our trip on Saturday. {grumble says tummy}


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