Today's calm

Jun 15, 2008 23:34

Today was a good, but quiet day.

After reading the morning news (which I am still in a happy mood thinking about it), and having breakfast, we did a little bit of shopping, mostly at Target and Home Depot for some items. One of which Rob used as soon as we got home to buy some online Wii games with his new Wii card. I have no idea the name of it, but the music is mind numbing in its sweetness. We also looked at paint chips for M's bedroom. Hope to do that this coming weekend, just have to figure out which shades of pink, purple & green.

This afternoon into evening, I took out my calligraphy nibs, holders, inks, board and some practice paper, and did up my practice draft of the kingdom level scroll I am working on (my first assignment). I did a pretty clean run, with only a couple of flubs (missing letter and missing word) only to find out I ran out of room at the end. Soooo... I will have to go with the next to smallest nib (1.0mm), and do it all over again. But that will be next week, as I have decided to make this a once a week practice, hopefully on Sundays, but Thursday evening will work for me as well when I have a busy Sunday.

I also checked up on my vege garden in the early evening, and the fruits are looking good. ONE HUGE CLUB of a cucumber was spotted hiding under a low vined leaf set. Really, HUGE! nearly two feet or more I think, and rather thick for an Armenian cucumber. We also brought in three more red tomatoes, one of which I ate most of tonight at dinner (with basil, yum!)

However, I have found that small little brown bugs are now infesting the undersides of the cucumber leaves (marigolds not helping here), and some of the leaves have withered, yellowed or died. Not good at all. So I pruned the dead and dying leaves, and sprayed some neem oil on the undersides of the leaves I found bugs on. Hopefully that will help, but I will keep an eye on them. We are also going to slow down the amount of water we give the plants now, as the soil was still moist today, even with the nearly 100F heat. I have to buy a new water guage, as my old one registers everything as "dry" even when I stuck the tip into the very wet swimming pool (not good).

And that's my day, and now it is time for bed... that mind numbing music has done its job.

garden, calligraphy, personal

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