Barony of Nordwache Yule.

Dec 09, 2007 00:21

The Barony of Nordwache had their Yule festivities tonight, which was prepared and cooked by Lorchan, the Armored Chef (huzzah to the Armored Chef!).

I dressed tonight in my Elizabethan comfy kirtle, with my new sleeves tacked on, my old gown, my hair in my old pearled snood (yes, it is crocheted, but it's all I have), and my husband's Italian bonnet. I even wore my first ruff, which with the gold edge seemed a better choice for Yule.

There was good chatting all around on various subjects, a Toys for Tots drive (everyone brought a toy), a nice bardic circle that made me want to dance at points (but I was Troll for the evening, since our Exchequer wasn't here, and I am Deputy).

The chatting was long, and it was awhile before dinner was ready, although the chefs and assistants had been busy since mid afternoon with the last of the cooking.

So I can remember for the future, this was the various items in our feast. It was all yummy, and I brought home about half of everything except the vegies and ratatouille which I ate all of.

Appetizers of fresh vegetable platter with dip, including cream cheese on celery.

Spinach Tart, that had a sugar topping that tasted good with the spinich filling. It was a bit undercooked, but this was the only problem dish of the evening.
Bread (thick and light and plenty of it) & butter

Chicken lightly breaded, with a mushroom and mustard cream sauce. The sauce was nice and light, and the chicken was moist.
Ratatouille which Roger says was different from what he's had before, but I've never had it and I liked it a lot.

Beef Wellington with a nice flakey crust and tasty beef. I really liked this one.
Served with chunks of potatoes and long roasted parsnips. Some played with their parsnips in a suggestive manner that has been caught on video, but the Baroness with good humor put them in their place with a very amusing comment on what she does with her parsnips. I had a very good, much needed belly laughter at the whole antics with the parsnips.

Fresh sliced pears with brie and havarti cheeses.

Cream puffs and small eclairs - YUM!! (there went the sugar control)

Lots of apple cider with a near constant refill if one wanted. I enjoyed a half glass because of the sugar content. I otherwise had lots of water, since I had brought my own pewter pitcher which Roger with great thanks filled with good local water.

And to bring home, Senachie provided mass quantities of various cookies she had baked, and two different types of fudge. I half filled my little basket of goodies to bring home to share with the family. There was plenty for everyone there to do the same.

There was a lot of good humored fun, including a toy crossbow shooting small marshmallows. One hit me in the ruff before bouncing into my lap. And at the end, we had ending Court, and the charters were given to very deserving people. And I learned that I had shorted the AS year by two, thinking it was AS XL, not AS XLII (I claim newbieness to the AS dating system, yeah, that's it). Ah, well. Not even the Baroness had caught it when I sent her the image. But the charter design was well received. And gifts were given to those in service to the Barony.

My dinner remains are now in the fridge, and the treats need to be bagged to preserve them. I had a very good time, and am ready to head to bed soon.

scribe, sca

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