Well, that went quick.

Dec 06, 2007 15:52

The promissory needed a second/third coat of the base colors, then all the white highlights and decorative elements put on, and the promissory is DONE! Of course it is near the end when I realize I had forgotten to draw in a gold bar across the main image box. Ah well, it looks fine without it.

I will be spending tonight after the kids are in bed scanning it in and prepping it for printing it out at Kinko's tomorrow (hmmm... must locate usb key).

I now want to redo the image from the tracing, and straighten out my lines a bit. I don't know if I will do this, but I want to right now, since I can see all the minor little issues that are "wrong" with it. But it's my first piece, of course it isn't anywhere near perfect.

And then tonight, whatever time I do have left will be spent in making the rest of the eyelets, so I can hopefully lace the sleeves on, not just baste them into place.

Now, to head off and make dinner.

scribe, illumination, sca

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