Taking a break from housework...

Oct 18, 2007 16:25

Well, I am getting my workout for the day... mopping floors. Boy, I am beat and I didn't do that much. Tells me how badly out of shape I am. Oh, right... my shape is round. Actually, I am thinking it is more rectangular now, not quite as round as it used to be. But not the hourglass shape I once had. Maybe, someday... if hourglass shapes have dropped breasts in them {snerk}

At least my dining room area is getting into shape. The table was cleared of most of the junk. The floors are now vacuumed and mopped. Next will be the windows, and getting the rest of the stuff in there put away in their proper places, or something.

I have lots of toys I need to sort through. Probably what will be done tonight after the kids are in bed.

I am wondering what I should work on next... although, honestly, just doing the whole house would be on that list. I just need to focus on the public rooms for Sunday, really, that's all. {aaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!)

Ok, one baby step at a time. Right? hah!

So, after the dining room comes the kitchen, and everything that keeps getting left on the counters. No one in this house ever puts things away when they use them. And the counters are just a big catch all basket for things that come into the front door. I need to get a box, a wide flat box, to hold the art & craft papers that Cam brings home every week, although I try to pitch what isn't needed anymore of his other papers. And I need to make a folder for his homework returns, at least as a temp measure.

And I need to put the glass case away. I just don't know exactly where. Probably in my bedroom for now. It used to hold some of my Mom's things, and now it just sits in the middle of the counter holding up more things, but with nothing inside. Too bad it is too short for a doll holder.

And I am thinking of just putting boxes together to hold all this crap, so I can clean up and sort through all of it later. But then why put off the inevitable. So much of it is junk mail anyways. And I already have boxes holding crap sitting in the dining area, and under the counter at the bar. Ugh!

Well, back to work.

housework, flylady

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