I have been busy today.

Oct 01, 2007 14:49

I actually got off my duff, and walked for about 20 minutes or so. Not as much as I want to get to, but better than nothing I have been doing. My goal is to walk 2 miles a day, and I know the route I want to take, which I used to take before, so I know it can be done. I also want to take a Saturday or Sunday morning and take a walk with the family through a nice park like Woodward, which is hilly and has some nice trails. My long term goal for the next year is to do one of those "Walks" for some research, like cancer or to stop smoking programs, or whatever I can find. I think there is some in the spring, but with my luck, it will be the last weekend of April, when I already have plans.

Other work today has been laundry, some vacuuming, and clearing through my big living room bookshelves. While fly lady is doing front porch, entry and dining room, I've rearranged my listings for the month as I want to work on the front porch the week before Halloween, so I can add in some pumpkins, Halloween decorations, and hose down the front porch.

My bookshelves are a little over halfway done. Maurelle wanted to help of course, so I will have to do some of the work while she is sleeping. She's taking her nap right now, but I want a break from it, so here I am on my laptop writing this down.

Which reminds me... I didn't write down what I did yesterday. I learned how to make glass beads during our A&S workshop with Jarla Seanachie(sp?) teaching. While I enjoyed making the beads and twistie I made, I did not enjoy the major headache I had after I left. I think she needs a little more ventilation in her workshop, or I may be allergic to something there, or my back and shoulders didn't like the workout it had from the manual twisting work. I ended up getting home and napping for several hours while my head throbbed, and did pretty much nothing last night, even after the kids went to bed.

Part of me really enjoyed the bead making process, and part of me wonders how I am going to have time for yet another hobby. I also enjoyed spending some time with the other ladies in our Barony who attended, and rwfranz, our lone gent. It was nice to socialize a bit.

Well, I still have some emails to wade through, and some embroidery to finish, so I better wrap this up for now.

a&s50, walking, housework, flylady, a&s, sca

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