
Sep 27, 2007 15:09

There really are times when I want to reach through the laptop screen, and choke the people on the other end.

What's got my dander up this time? SBDieters who want to go from 127 to 117 (They already went from a size 8 to a size 4), and wondering if this is a good idea.

I would be happy to be at 127!! And I haven't been lower than a size 12 since I was a preteen.

Right now I am not, and yeah, it grates on my nerves to see this. Yeah, perhaps the woman is really "small boned", but I have to really wonder what is healthy when the person says "I feel like I might have to get a little hardcore about it again for this to happen.. 10 lbs is a lot when I'm already eating healthier than anyone I know."

I did tell them that what they need is to continue to eat healthy, and let their body find its own natural weight balance. And that dress size is only a number on the fashion label.

south beach diet, venting

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