An update on my weekend...

Sep 10, 2007 14:45

Which was a lot of hanging around my own home, doing a few things for the home. Saturday I slept in, then cleaned up the living room a bit for that night's usual game. Dinner was early, the kid's game started early, our adult game started early (after a fit jag from Maurelle sending her off to an early bed), and we still played late, but not too late, but still after midnight. It was fun.

Sunday was home gardening day, although I really should do that kind of work in the morning hours when it is cooler, instead of early afternoon. I had a small heat issue, so I couldn't do as much work as I had wanted, but at least some of the beastly weeds, tree suckers, and nasty grass growing in the bushes got whacked.

After a late lunch, I spent time prepping eBay book stuff. I will be taking photos in a bit. Odds and ends of books, some Victorian stuff I loved once, a weaving book on tartans, a few odd others. I also have some more fabric to try and sell, although most of it is not natural fiber stuff to suggest to other costumers, but maybe someone will be interested.

Then once the eBay listing info was done, I worked on my dress diary images, which consisted mostly of sleeves (how many angles do I really need), and some of my kirtle in progress (tho not as many as I had wanted). Maybe I will post those later tonight after BCM, once I do some html stuff for my web site.

Today I've been busy with flybaby stuff. Last week was the front patio and it looks a lot better, with a lot less stuff hanging around. This week is the kitchen, so my plastic containers are currently on my formerly cleared kitchen table, where I've been sorting them. No, not done, but about half are sorted, and some have been tossed, and the rest are lots of lids with no tubs to connect them to. Once I determine that those are not hanging around in the play room or elsewhere, I will be pitching the lids. I am also pitching the butter tubs that are slowly growing, although I may keep one or two. And the cabinet they reside in has been cleaned. I hopefully will now have more room, although how to keep them organized once Maurelle gets back inside there to play... well, that's for another month.

Well, off to get more laundry folded, and photos of my books and fabrics taken.

gaming, house, garden, flylady, personal

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