Medieval Garden, or just an inspiration?

Jul 31, 2007 00:04

I spent tonight not sewing, but reading online about medieval garden designs. Yeah, that bug has bit me, and I am trying to shake it loose but it won't let go. I did get some sewing in earlier today, tho not enough time.

I however, do not want the simple board border kind of medieval garden, as I am a lazy woman who cannot squat like my Mom could over her garden beds. I want a decent raised bed I can at least sit at the side of while I fiddle in the dirt.

I also do not want to use all period plants in my garden, as I just want the simple design of one, with perhaps a small fountain in the middle or something similarly pleasant. So, not a real medieval garden, a modern one inspired by the medieval garden style. If I use some period plants, it is because I can use them, not just to have them.

My backyard theme, as it were, had already been chosen as fairy tales and folk stories. Hence, the main backyard feature will be an Authurian castle on top of a mountain or something similar (cliff side, whatever) with a waterfall cascading into a few pools then into the main pond/"lake" below. My friend docryder has agreed to design it for us, in exchange for some sewing he desires. I still have the photos of that area on the card, and will try to get it downloaded and uploaded tomorrow night. I also have to figure out which plants to put around this feature, other than the Japanese Maple that has to be included (it is the only shady place in my yard).

But my side garden (where the side gate is) is for veggies & herbs for us to use, and someday I hope to have some dyeing plants in an area of their own, so the medieval design seems appealing to bringing them all together design wise. I will start off slowly with one bed, mostly for veggies, fruits and herbs I know we will eat (note to self: guta (Armenian) cucumbers is a must have for my husband), and see how it progresses from there.

In other news today, I got my hairs cut for this weekend's travel to LA. My son also got his massivly chopped, to look like his friend Oji (yes, it is now buzzed!). Sadly, he told us as he headed to bed that he also misses his long locks, as I do. But then I love long locks of nice hair on him, and on his father.

And I also got in the mail my order of silk threads. Man, do they ship quickly. I wanted to pull them out and play with them, but really, I need to get this kirtle done first, before making up the buttons for the gown. And the dark green looks a lot darker than what I received, and I matched from the sample book! I will have to double check the threads when I do get them opened.

Well, off to bed. I've got some shipping to do in the morning, so I will need some brains in order to drive my car.

garden, silk, cameron, thread, personal

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