Yesterday was a shitty day...

Oct 20, 2006 21:30

Yesterday... I was going to post on how shitty it was, quite literally, but I waited for it to pass to write it instead. Yesterday, I woke up to a crying baby girl who was in a diaper full of feces that had spilled out everywhere, onto toys, bedsheets, blankets, and even the wrong side of some of the crib slats. Needless to say, everything got washed, pronto. The rest of the day kinda went downhill from there, just to give you all a glimpse into my day of shitty hell. I also almost dropped the baby later, and wrenched my body hard trying not to fall after I stepped on a small rubber ball that was left in the hallway. Cam also gave me lots of grief, although it did not help that I was in a bad mood all day.

Thankfully, that was only one day. Today, my right leg no longer has two kneecaps, my ankle is not so swollen, my arms are no longer in pain, and my wrenched back is doing better. And thankfully, no marks appeared on the baby from brushing up against the wall.

And I remind myself that while yesterday was bad for me, at least I wasn't a cop that was ambushed from a sick man who seemed to want to die at 3:30am at a relatively nearby apartment complex.

Today, life is better. Cam got to go to the Fresno Bee play area at the Mall and play with other kids, and I got to play goalie with the baby. I also got some pretty red cotton sateen for the pirate shirt, which is now in the dryer, and 6 silver buttons as requested. I like cotton sateen. It is soft, a little drapey, yet firm, and I plan on using some of it for a Victorian corset someday (properly backed with coutil of course).

venting, fabric, personal

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