Whining for the day.

Oct 16, 2006 18:47

Two hours, I am recovering from spending two hours pushing a shopping cart with kids and an ever growing pile of stuff from Costco. Have I mentioned I hate shopping? I also hate the way I feel after dealing with small children who are overtired and whining. Like my son, demanding this, wanting to go thataway, wanting up, wanting down, ahhhh!!! 4 years old, and it will only get worse before it gets better. At least the baby was kept happy by her brother. Small blessing I am thankful for. Even if she kept dropping her bottle just to see it fall. And at least I got my exercise for the day.

If only I could get the water pressure back to normal so I can wash dishes and do a dye load in the washer. City crews are working on pipes nearby, and the water is about 1/3 to 1/2 of normal. I don't want to run a timed dishwasher when the water is barely coming out of the pipes. Hopefully they will finish whatever they are doing soon. Rob is wondering if his brother is on the work team.

And I am also thankful I had some time during the early baby nap so I could do more sewing room cleaning. I put the Tudor project fabrics into a new plastic tub, to keep it clean and tidy while I work on finishing it up. It will remain the Big Project tub. I also cleaned the southwest window, and about half the floor was vacuumed, including under this desk. Even picked up the chair mat and vacuumed under that as well. Even the computer box was cleaned from its layer of dust. I forget this room really gets dusty from the nearby field. I would vacuum the other half of the room, but I have to put things away first, so I can get room to get the stuff off that half of the floor. Hence buying storage boxes as I am going to do a fabric purge to sell at Keaney's "flea market" afterhours. Once that stuff is removed, I will have room to store what is still on the floor. I only hope I really can part with some of the fabric in my stash. But there is only so much room in here, and so many projects I can do in my lifetime, and most of that fabric I will never do now, since I no longer do peasants or Celtic, or wear polyester. Well, here's hoping I can actually part with some of that fabric. At least I will part with the polyester.

Well, off to making dinner, even if I am not hungry yet.

cleaning, fabric, housework, flylady, personal

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