
Feb 04, 2009 23:44

  • Well, the semester is going ok so far. I have my first test this Friday, and I'm kinda terrified. The material isn't all that difficult, I mean I've done well on the homework, it's just that there is so much material to remember. It's my complex analysis class, and yeah, lots of formulas and definitions and theorems I'm supposed to know. I have two tests next week, my 4000 math class and 3700 physics class. Not looking forward to either one of those either.
  • I'm taking PE. I'm taking PE because I'm required to take a PE class. I chose the walking class. It's...interesting.
  • My brother's getting married the 21st of this month. My little brother is getting married. That's mind-blowing.
  • Speaking of Randy, March 10 he goes to San Antonio, TX for Basic Training, because he has enlisted in the Air Force. He'll be there for 8 weeks, then move on to Mississippi for job training. He's going into Networking Infrastructure. I'm not sure how long his training program lasts. After he's finished there, he picks what base he wants to live on. He hasn't decided if he's going for 4 or 6 years; he has until he leaves for basic to decide. Whichever he chooses, I know he has to spend 6 months of his 4 years in Iraq, Afghanistan, where ever we will be during that time.
Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. Now I think it's time for me to head to bed. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.

school, family, brother, air force, tests

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