101: The Pilot

Jun 13, 2010 18:03

Welcome to the Canon Quotes Comment!fic Meme. First up - The Pilot! If you need help with The Rules, click HERE. Have fun!

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season 1, 101 - pilot

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ratherastory June 14 2010, 00:05:58 UTC
"So, what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?"

"No. Not normal. Safe."


Safety is Relative 1/2 tahirire June 21 2010, 02:45:44 UTC
Dean doesn't just move right in.

That would be presumptive, and weird, and not just a little pathetic. He has the beer. They talk. She cries, and she says she doesn't know what she's crying for. He tells her it's okay, and then he wipes a hand over his face and laughs bitterly. She understands. He tells her goodnight. She begs him not to go, and he says it won't be far, or for long, if that's okay with her. She looks afraid, but she nods her consent.

He drives back to the motel and gets lit.

She comes and finds him two days later, staring blankly at I Love Lucy reruns with his .45 in one hand and a bottle in the other, and she doesn't say a word. She picks up the remote, flicks the TV off, sets the gun on the bedside table, hauls him forward, and aims him at the shower ( ... )


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire June 21 2010, 02:46:06 UTC
Lisa goes jogging early every morning, and she does most of her deep thinking then. It's been weeks since Dean showed up on her doorstep. He comes around a lot, but he's not ready for more than that, not yet ( ... )


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 borgmama1of5 June 21 2010, 12:07:35 UTC
Impressive that you came up with a variation on the 5.22 codas that was different!

I loved Lisa's answer to her neighbor!


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire June 21 2010, 15:03:10 UTC

I did? What was different about it? (I haven't read but like 3 5.22 codas, lol)

I think Lisa is a tough chick. :)


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 elliemurasaki June 21 2010, 13:15:33 UTC


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire June 21 2010, 15:04:52 UTC
She IS awesome. I like her. :)


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tabaqui June 21 2010, 15:01:47 UTC
Oooooooh, oh oh. Yis. Damnit. I love Castiel as the cat who came back.... And yis, *different*. Ah, man - i've got my own coda rattling around in my head and you are going to *make me write it*.

I love that he's *not* living there, and that she came looking for him, and that they both know it's not right, yet. Maybe never.


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire June 21 2010, 15:06:48 UTC
LOL the cat who came back. So very true.

Ah, man - i've got my own coda rattling around in my head and you are going to *make me write it*.

Yay! Write away!!!!

Honestly, it never crossed my mind that he would just up and move in. I'm not sure why everyone seems to think he did. *ponderface*

I think that by the time Sam comes back he will have, of course. Just not that first day, not that first week - maybe not for a long time.


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tabaqui June 21 2010, 15:08:52 UTC
Yeah, it seems a bit weird. I mean - yes, Dean's gonna keep his promise, but he's not totally blind, here. Lisa has a life and a *kid* - she's not gonna go 'whoo, yeah, c'mon in! party time!'

He still drinks like crazy, doesn't sleep, will have even *more* nightmares now....

*goes off to open Word*


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 ratherastory June 24 2010, 17:30:59 UTC
Oh, this was very nice. Go Lisa for defending Dean (even if Dean probably doesn't care about Diane's opinion).



Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire June 24 2010, 23:20:09 UTC
Hee. I'm glad you liked it. *more facepalm*

True, Dean most likely would not care - but on the other hand, Diane is probably a demon, so ... ;)


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 sweetdvl358 June 29 2010, 17:43:20 UTC
This story is so good. I like that Lisa's got a defense for Dean, and I love that Cas is still looking out for everyone. Awesome job! :)


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire June 30 2010, 00:51:53 UTC
Thanks! I think Lisa is a tough chick, and I'm glad she's helping look out for our boy. :)


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 windscryer August 7 2010, 18:22:04 UTC
And I thought the first part broke me... *cracks, then shatters*

You are far too good at this delicious angsty stuff. I know, this isn't REALLY angsty for you, but it's like... Cotton candy made out of fiberglass.

Sure it LOOKS all sweet and pink and fluffy, but when your swallow it down, it leaves little jagged cuts everywhere that ache inside you for days ( ... )


Re: Safety is Relative 2/2 tahirire August 7 2010, 18:37:32 UTC
Yay, you got sucked into our meme!!! :D

Sorry about your weekend.

I've like most of Dean's girls, too. I've always liked Lisa, and I liked Jamie a lot as well, and of course I loved Jo, even though she never quite made it there, I think she will always have a special place in the echelon. ♥

But yeah, Lisa has my vote, has ever since s3. :)

And dude - if you keep coming up with phrases like cotton candy made out of fiberglass, you can TOTALLY do this comment fic thing!

We've already had 2 people write their first fic ever over here, it makes me happy to be encouraging new talent. :) :)


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